Staying to Fight

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I don't know when I dozed off. I was up thinking about what Caleb has done. I wanted him to know that I found out but I don't feel like I should tell him anything. He should be the one to explain what happened. He said he was leaving her yet he left to go fuck her and lied.

I washed up and went down the stairs and find him singing and making breakfast. He looks so happy. As if I made him the happiest man on the earth. But beneath that I can see only a liar who will lie just to have me. I want to confront him but I am giving him all the chances in the world to come clean. He says we shouldn't have any secrets. Lets see if he will be honest to me.

"My baby, my love, come, sit right here." He points to a stool at the kitchen island. I sit and look at him. He kisses me. But for some reason it just doesn't taste the same. I just want him to tell me now. He dances as he share me a plate of the breakfast he made. "So what are we gonna do about the baby?" I ask him. "What do you mean?" He sits besides me and asks rubbing my tummy. "Are we gonna keep it?" I look at him with tears whelmed in my eyes. "Are you ok? What kind of question is that?" He stands up and raises his eyebrows. "Is there something you forgot to tell me?" I ask finally letting him know I wanna know what's going on. "No. I tell you everything. Babe what's going on?" He asks playing dumb. "Oh really?" I ask. "So what's this then huh?" I ask putting the lipstick on the counter top. "I don't know what that is." He says pretending to be surprised. "Oh really? You are such a fucking liar." I whisper shout. "I thought you two never fucked in like forever." I stand before him, looking up at him. "Nessa what are you talking about?" Him playing dumb starts irritating me more and more. "You know what's the worse part about it? How good you are at hiding your shit. You fucked her and still won't own up to it. Am that stupid to you right?" I poked his chest.

He stands there silent. " did you find out?" He finally responds. "Does it matter? You know what? Am not even mad anymore. I get it. She is your wife and am just the baby momma you get to fuck on the side." then attempt to walk away. He grabs hold of my hand and force me to look at him. "Look at me Nessa. Nessa! LOOK AT ME!" He yells. I look up at him. His eyes burning right through me. "If I wanted her, would I be here with you? Yes I fucked her. But it was an honest mistake that will never happen again. She tricked me into coming to the office. She gave me a drink and the rest is history." He looks at me as he speaks. "I want to not be mad at him, knowing the person Bailey is but am mad that he didn't tell me the truth. " Do you still love her Caleb?" I ask. "No I don't. You're the only woman that I will ever love and you know this." He pulls me in for a hug and I break down crying. I don't want to cry now but the tears are just flowing down my cheeks.

"I know I hurt you but it was not intentional. Am sorry for what I did." He says looking at me. "I need you to leave. Leave like right now." I tell him pushing him back off me. "Nessa no. Please. Don't do this. We have a son and about to have a baby. Please don't do this." He pleads. I step further away from him and start shouting for him to leave. I didn't expect him to do what he does next. He walks up to me in one long step and hugs me. "I am not leaving you. Not now or ever. You are mine. You belong to me. Always have and always will." I try fighting him off but he endures all my hits and still holds me close. I cry harder and harder.

"Mommy, Daddy?" Onyx voice soothes my cries. I breakaway from Caleb and wipe my eyes and face our son. "Hey baby?" I force myself to speak happily. He runs and hugs both of us. I look over at Caleb who stares directly at me. I feel so broken hearted. "Mommy's a bit under the weather ok. So am gonna go get some rest ok. Daddy made breakfast.

I head towards the stairs without even looking at Caleb.

I climbed into bed. I love this man. I am having another baby for him and he still fucks his wife and kept it a secret. I cry even harder just reminding myself about it.

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