Y/n pov
"I'm not going to hurt you" I hear the man say faintly. I probably wouldn't have heard him if we hadn't been in a small cell.
He didn't sound threatening. His face was exposed to me, trying to show a form of trust maybe? I'm not to sure. Part of me wants to run up to him and let him hold me and be safe. But part of me wants to stay here and be as far away from people as possible.
I don't know what to do. I'm tired of the pain. The punishments when something goes wrong. The torture when they're trying to make me a better soldier. The memory wipes. I have all my memories back, I don't want to lose them again.
Right now I can't trust him. He doesn't look like he wants to hurt me. And his voice is somewhat calming. But I can't trust him. I'm comfortable with this distance between me and him with Alfie in between.
"My name is Tony stark. I'm with the avengers." The man I now know as Tony says just as calming sounding as before. He slowly starts walking towards me again.
"Please" I half whisper "please don't".
"I'm not going to hurt you." Tony states. "Please. Let me help you." I just look at Tony not being able to hide my fear and hope combined. I can't do it anymore. I'm tired.
I stroke Alfie's head to let him know that it's okay. As I slowly start to stand up. My legs threatening to give up at any second. Alfie cuddles up next to my ankles refusing to leave my side.
I start walking over to Tony and he does the same still being cautious about moving to fast. We meet in the middle of the room and he immediately reaches out and holds me. I melt into his touch not wanting to leave from this safe feeling.
My legs give up on me and I fall to my knees tony kneels down next to me and holds me against his chest. I'm silently hoping he doesn't change his mind and decide to kill me. I start uncontrollably sobbing into his chest as he holds me close.
"It's okay. I'm here." I hear Tony say yet again in that calming voice. "I'm not going to hurt you. Your safe now. I promise" he states while still holding me tight. And with that the world around me starts to go black.
Tony Starks pov
I look down at the poor girl I'm cradling in my arms. Hearing her sobs and seeing the fear gathered together in her eyes broke my heart. I can't begin to imagine what she's had to go through.
She must have been exhausted since she is now passed out in my arms. Her cat keeps brushing up against her head trying to see if she's okay. I carefully put my hand out to touch his head. Reluctant at first, he starts to move his head into my hand. "She's safe now." I tell him reassuringly.
I slide my hand under the girls legs and pick her up bridal style. Before I stand up, I lean down to the cat and signal for the cat to come with us. He jumps on the girls chest and snuggles himself under her chin.
I make my way back towards the stairs. "How's it going down there Stark? Did you find out what's being kept down there?" I heard Natasha say on the coms in my ear. "Yep. It's a girl. And a cat. Don't ask, meet back at the jet we're going back to the compound". "Are you sure we can trust this girl Stark? You saw how protected she was." I heard caps voice through the coms. "You didn't see her cap. She was terrified." I replied to him.
We all made it back to the jet in one piece. We all boarded the jet and I lay the girl across my lap and I was stroking her hair for comfort. Occasionally I'd stroke her cat when he stirred under her chin.
"What happened to her?" I heard Nat ask in a soft voice careful not to wake her. "I don't know Nat. We need to help her. She was terrified. I got near her and she broke down in my arms." I answered. "She'll be okay Tony. We'll help her." Nat reassured me.
Once we got back to the compound I took the girl to one of the guest bedrooms and lay her gently on the bed, her cat still snuggled under her chin. I'll take her to medical to get checked out when she wakes up. The last thing I want is for her to wake up in medical and panic I want her to be comfortable.
I stayed with her. I didn't want her to wake up alone. I sat holding her hand so when she woke up she wouldn't panic and hopefully realise she's safe now.
I couldn't help but wonder what she's been through. She looks to be in her 20s, and yet she looks like she's been through a life time of hell. I'm going to protect this girl. Keep her safe.
My thoughts consuming me as I rested my head next to her body on her bed I slowly started to fall asleep next to the girl.

I don't blame you. I never did.
Fiksi Penggemar"Why won't you go and talk to her buck?" "Because if I go in there and she tries to kill me... I'm not going to stop her" ~~~~~~~~~ Your found by the avengers in a hydra base. All the avengers know is that you are a highly skilled, deadly assassin...