Part 18 - Again.

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I was just lying on Buckys bed waiting for him to get out of the shower. I heard a faint noise outside of Buckys window. His bed wasn't next to the window like mine, his was more in the middle with space either side. I walk over to the window to try and investigate the noise I heard. Before I can even process what's happening three people burst through the window smashing it in the process. It happened almost in slow motion. "BUCKY" I tried to scream before I got knocked unconscious and dragged out of the window by the men.

Buckys pov

I was just in the shower smiling to myself thinking about y/n. Thinking about how I get to wake up to her adorable morning face yet again. I was thrilled when she told me she wanted to stay with me again. I wanted to ask her to stay but I didn't want to push her because I know full well that if she thought I wanted her to stay with me she would, even if she didn't want to. So I waited for her to ask me, thankfully she did.

I heard what I believe to have been a window smash, I quickly scurried to turn the shower off and grab a towel. "BUCKY" I heard y/n scream. I grabbed the towel tying it around my waste as a darted out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

My window was broken, shattered everywhere. I could see a little bit of blood in the broken shards of glass on the floor. "Y/N!" I screeched at the now broken window.

I grabbed my clothes and started putting them on not even caring if I was still wet. I just wanted my girl back. The others must have heard all the commotion because they were all sprinting up the stairs and bursting into my room.

I finished putting my clothes on and I go to jump out of the window in hopes to find y/n. I get to the window and I have one leg hanging out ready to swing the other over and jump onto another roof to go after y/n.

Before I can get my other leg out of the window I feel a tight grip on my arm I look to see who it was. It was Steve. "Let me go Steve" I tell him sternly. "Buck, come on. I promise we will find her. But right now you need to come inside so we can figure out where she is and go get her. Okay?" Steve tells me.

"I have to at least try" I tell him, my eyes welling up with tears. "And we will try Buck, we will. But if you go now, your not gonna find her. And if you do they will take you too, the last thing we need if two brainwashed assassins. One will be hard enough. Okay? Please Buck, trust me." Steve tells me once again. "Fine." I tell him as I step back inside the room. His grip still tight on my arm making sure I don't try to run.

Y/n pov

I wake up restrained to a cold metal table tied down by both my hands and legs. I start to look around trying to figure out where I am, I remembered what happened in Buckys room. Shit. I'm in hydra. Of course I'm in damn hydra. I look around I see a man in a long white coat a doctor or scientist of some form.

There are some agents gathered in the corner of the room talking to each other. "Sir, she's awake" I hear faintly from one of the agents. The group in the corner move to face me. In the middle of the agents was pierce. A face i never wanted to see again unless it was on a cold, rotting, stiff corpse.

"Good. I want you to get started immediately. We can't waste any time. I'm sure her new friends are eager to get her back." Pierce says as if I'm not even in the room. He walks out of the room followed by the agents. One of the agents stays behind and stands in front of the door, his gun loaded and ready to use if need be.

I look to my left and see the scientist walking over with a syringe filled with icy blue liquid. He comes closer to me with the syringe. I try to move away but the restraints aren't budging. He jabs the needle into my arm releasing all the contents of the liquid into my veins.

The liquid causes a burning sensation all the way through my body. The pain was completely different to that of the chair but it was still horrific. I let out screams and pleads to the man. I begged him to make it stop. To make everything stop. I half wished this liquid would kill me and end everything. I screamed until the pain was unbearable causing me to pass out.

Buckys pov

"Where the hell is she!" I screamed at the avengers who are all gathered in the meeting room. "We are doing everything we can Bucky" Steve tell me. "Yeah? Well it's not fucking good enough it is? We have been at this for hours and we have no fucking idea where she could be. I'm not gonna sit around here like a bunch of idiots waiting for hydra to give her back. That might work for you but not for me!" I shout, rather loudly, before storming out of the room.

I walk upstairs back to my room. I can't help but let all the anger inside of me out. I promised her I'd protect her. I told her she was safe now and look what Fucking happened. I left her alone for ten minutes. Ten minutes. And she gets fucking kidnapped. Again.

"FUCK!" I scream at the empty room. I end up trashing my room. I rip pillows up, smash my bed frame. I rip shelves of the wall, throwing everything in sight and destroying anything. I storm out of my room and across the hall into y/n's room. I want to destroy everything in here but I just break down. I fall to the floor and start to uncontrollably sob.

The hoodie she stole from nat was lying on the bed. She's got a habit of stealing clothes. I grab the hoodie and flop down onto her bed. My eyes were poring with sobs at this point. I heard y/n's door open and someone briefly spoke, I couldn't care less though unless they told me we were going to get y/n i didn't want to hear it.

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