Tonys pov
It's been a month since y/n got taken. I can't help but feel like we have greatly let her down, not only did we convince her she would be safe here, enough to let her guard down, we have also let her down with the disappointment of us not saving her yet. I wish for nothing more than to find y/n and bring her back home, I hope she forgives us for leaving her there. We have found so many false leads, always coming up empty handed. I don't want to admit it but we are all slowly losing hope, we are running out of places to look, bases to storm. I cannot, will not bring myself to admit defeat to those evil bastards, y/n means to much to all of us to give up on her that easy. She deserves more than that, she deserves to be found and loved, not abandoned. She's like the daughter that i never imagined I'd have.
Just as we were all in the living room, moping around trying to ignore the fact that we have all massively failed y/n, friday, my ai, speaks up. Her slightly Irish voice bouncing of the walls. "Sir, I have something you'll want to see" she informs. We all stand there not wanting to get our hopes up that it could be about y/n. After my radio silence to the ai, she speaks up again. "It's about y/n, I think I found her" sparks lit up in all of our eyes. Disbelief, however, evidently showing on all of our faces.
"Show me" I tell the ai. She shows me a video that seems to be some form of explosion potentially? I was too caught up in my own thoughts to actually decipher the video playing before me. F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke up again explaining the video she's showing us. "This seems like some form of energy outburst sir, I did a little more research before informing you, it seems as though this energy eruption came from an old abandoned hydra base off grid, not too far from here." She finishes the explanation.
We all share a look amongst each other, all of us temporarily frozen, not one of use wanting to move for fear we might wake up. As soon as one of use moved, everyone moved, it was like a stampede that could give lion king a run for its money. Nat and Steve bolted upstairs to grab Bucky, Bruce and I running around the lab trying to get more information before we dive in there blind. Everyone else running round like a headless chicken trying to suit up, we were all trying not to have too high hopes, but it was evident that hope undeniably lingered in the eyes of all of us avengers.
Buckys pov
I heard a little commotion coming from downstairs, my curiosity almost got the better of me, but I decide it was no use. I didn't really care what was going on. She's been gone a month and I've come up with every possible scenario of what hydra could be doing to her. I shouldn't think about it, but I couldn't help it, she shouldn't be there, she should be here. With me. Forever. I tried to think about all the possible ways to get her back, but as time past my hope of ever finding her faded.
Part of me wishes she escaped and chose not to come here, if that was the case I couldn't blame her. Part of me believes hydra killed her, part of that scenario makes me feel a sense of relief. Relief that if she is dead, hydra can't possibly hurt her. It makes my stomach whirl, thinking that I could possibly be relived by the thought of y/n's death.
I was ripped from my own head by Steve and Nat tearing my bedroom door open, completely ignoring the lock that held it shut. "We found her" they both shout in perfect unison, both out of breath I might add. A glimmer of hope shone across their eyes, causing me, even just for a split second, to believe this might actually be it.
I dart out of the door, Nat and Steve following close behind, and followed suit gearing up with the others. We all got changed, weapons collected and attached to our clothes in record time. We all got to the jet hoping, not just that this was the right place, but also that we weren't to late. She's been alone long enough. I don't even know what state she is going to be in. I'm not sure how much longer she can survive it, if she is alive, that is.
We made it to the apparently not so abandoned base. We landed not to far away from the base so we could easily get back to the jet once we got y/n. There were no guards standing around the outside, or security cameras. I suppose it makes sense, if your going to use a deserted base you don't want new equipment or soldiers outside, that's a little bit of a dead give away that it's now in use again.
We got to the base and found the entrance fairly easily. Reluctantly, Tony and Sam agreed to stay outside just incase, as they can fly. We agreed Wanda and Thor would be best to come inside incase we got swarmed upon entry.
There were a few agents at the entrance, we managed to take them out stealthy, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to ourselves. We just wanted to find y/n and get the hell out of there, hopefully they let me burn the place to the ground before we leave.
It seems as though we tripped a silent alarm as we broke into the base, maybe hydra is smarter than I thought. Agents soon started to turn the corners spilling into us. Before we knew it, we were fighting off agents, picking them off one-by-one like ants.
Me and Nat were using our guns to eliminate the agents, keeping our knives at hand. Wanda was throwing red balls left, right and centre. Thor was throwing his hammer like a boomerang. Cap was going full blown hand-to-hand while using his shield. Loki was using his magic and his daggers. Clint was shooting arrows into anyone he could see, does that man ever run out of arrows? Bruce or hulk, was running wild, smacking anyone in his way, I doubt anyone survived the blunt force that came with his hits. We left Peter at the compound, we didn't want to have to keep him alive as well as ourselves and y/n.
Agents kept pouring towards us, seemingly from nowhere. Soon enough we took down most of the agents, only a few stragglers left. We decided to split up and search the base for y/n, we could each handle our own and if not we had our comm ear pieces in meaning we could ask for help if need be.
Y/n's pov
I was lying on my cell floor, I was in the cell with one of the agents. I accidentally fell asleep, this agents was making sure I don't do it again. And he was sure as hell giving me a hard time for the fact I did fall asleep.
I was lying on my stomach, arms folded underneath my head. My face was buried into my arms. One of my legs was bent upwards to my side while the other lay straight.
I wasn't crying, I didn't even know if I could cry anymore, if I had any tears left. I hoped this would be it. I hope this agent gets too carried away and just stops it here, stops all of it. For good. I can't do this anymore. I just want to go to sleep and hope i don't wake up. I used to hope Bucky or someone would come save me but I gave up on that hope a while ago.
I wasn't sure how long I'd been here. Weeks, maybe even months, I couldn't exactly keep track of time here. All I know is I've been here for long enough.
I was waiting to drift back to sleep and then be awoken by a painful force brought to me by the agent who stood beside me. I did, in fact, start to fade off back into a sleep. Which, of course, I was awoken by a mere fist coming from the agent. He didn't stop at just one though. He carried on with another and then another. I was two tired to even care, I wanted him to carry on. To lose control of himself until it was too late.
I felt his hand move away from me once again, the distinct noise of fabric rubbing together could be heard from next to me, it was clear what he was doing. He was pulling his arm back ready to land another hit, I braced myself for the impact, except, it never came. I couldn't bare to pry my head away from the safety of my arms. That's when I heard the unmistakable sound.
The sound of his voice.

I don't blame you. I never did.
Hayran Kurgu"Why won't you go and talk to her buck?" "Because if I go in there and she tries to kill me... I'm not going to stop her" ~~~~~~~~~ Your found by the avengers in a hydra base. All the avengers know is that you are a highly skilled, deadly assassin...