Part 27 - Shut Up You Idiot.

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The jet didn't take too long to get to the coordinates that were provided to us by shield. We had absolutely no idea what was waiting for us at the destination. Thankfully we came prepared.

We had gotten the little girl out of the building, courtesy of Wanda and Tony. Honestly, I don't think these idiots with guns actually wanted to hurt the child. I think they just wanted to be noticed. Just some more attention deprived goons wanting to try and take on the avengers.

While everyone else was fighting some people with gun and knives I somehow ended up on the third floor trying to talk a guy out of blowing the whole place to smithereens. Don't ask me how I ended up here, face to face with a bomb, it just happened. Now here I am hoping I'm not about to be blown up.

"I'm sorry" was all the man said before pushing a button and diving out of the window of the abandoned building they inhabited, inevitably ending his own life.

I ran towards the explosive device trying to figure out how to deactivate it. There I saw a timer, counting down from 3 minutes. It was going seemingly faster that I anticipated.

"Tony" I basically whisper through my ear piece. "Y/n? Is everything okay?" I hear him reply, "not really" I tell him honestly. "Y/n whats going on? Are you hurt?" He ask me now extremely concerned. I'm trying not to panic as I know that would just make this worse and then I really am screwed.

"Tony , there's a bomb, it's counting down I don't know how to deactivate it." I tell him, panic unavoidably filing my voice. "I'll talk you through how to do it y/n. I need you to describe it to me." He says now trying to remain calm after assessing the situation.

I do as he says and give him the best description I can. "Tony is everyone out of the building, just incase?" I ask him. "Y/n its going to be fine you'll do it." He tries to reassure me. "Tony please" I beg him. I hear him let out a heavy sigh before mumbling a 'fine' a few seconds later I hear him speak again. "Okay everyone is out, how long left?" He asks me.

"Um 2 minutes" I confirm after once again looking at the ticking clock. "Okay y/n, I need you to listen very carefully okay? I can't come to you because the way up is blocked, so your going to have to do this alone, just do as I say okay?" He explains to me. "Okay" I reply quietly.

"Good, now I need you to remember to breath y/n okay?" He tells me. He talks me through how to deactivate the threat. "Right y/n, it's going to keep counting down even if it's not going to blow, so I need to you get out of there just incase okay" he tells me. "Okay" I reply.

I run back to the door leading back downstairs, the only door bare in mind. "Tony" I mutter at the ear piece. "Y/n? What's wrong? There's not long left. Get out! NOW!" He demands. "I can't. Tony the doors blocked I can't get out." I explain, tears start appearing down my face.

"Y/n, your not going to like this, but I need you to jump out of the window." He informs me. "I'm sorry, what? Are you insane?" I express my thought to him. "Y/n I'll catch you. I promise." He assures me. "Okay" I mumble before running towards the window causing it to smash on impact as I leap through.

I let out a little yelp before Tony flys past me and catches me in him arms. I instinctively wrap my arms round his neck and bury my face into his shoulder as my legs wrap around his waist. "I've got you" he tells me as he flies me back to the ground near the jet.

"Y/n you can get down now" he tells me as he's stood on the ground and I show no sign of getting down. I just shake my head which is still buried into him, not being able to get over the initial shock I just jumped out of a window. He lets out a little laugh. "I am not doing that again" I inform them. Just to my luck the bomb did indeed deactivate, so there was actually no need for me to jump out of a window.

That's when we heard a loud bang. I looked over my shoulder and I see Sam lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood and above him a person in a black outfit and mask holding a gun. "Sam!" I screamed as I threw my self down from Tony and pulled out one of my own guns before shooting the initial shooter twice in the chest.

Steve was already hauling Sam into the jet. Tony cane and grabbed me and threw me in the get too. The jet doors were being closed behind us as we lifted into the air and started flying back to the compound.

"I don't know if he will make it until we get back, and I don't have the supplies to help him in the jet." Bruce explains as he's leaning over Sam putting pressure on his bullet wound. "Move" I say bluntly as I push past everyone until I get to Sam.

I fling one of my legs around him so I'm straddling his hips. "Hey Binx" Sam starts to say to me in a breathless voice. "Shut up you idiot" I tell him as I shoo Bruce away from him.

I lean over him and place my hands on his wound. Thankfully the bullet went straight through so there was no need for me to dig a bullet out of him. I look at him while I try and concentrate on his injury. A surge of energy comes over me and I direct it all to my hands which are still pressed against the bullet hole. An icy blue glow starts to emit from my hands. I earn confused looks from everyone in the jet.

Sam starts to shift uncomfortably, probably at the strange feeling of getting healed a whole lot faster that natural time. Soon enough Sam is healed. I feel a sharp pain on my body in the same place Sam got shot. I wince a little as the feeling but it soon passes.

"How do you feel?" I ask Sam as I get off him and sit next to him instead. "Fine, great actually. How the hell did you do that?" He asks me, well he's definitely better. I shrug as his question. "You'll be fine you just need rest." I explain to him as I get up and walk to the back of the jet. I feel fairly drained and after putting all the pieces together I finally understood what went wrong with the formula hydra gave me, that's what they were trying to fix.

That's something I'm definitely not going to tell the others.

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