Part 33 - Солдат.

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All four of us jolted awake to the horrendous sound of a damn fog horn. "What the fuck!" We all shout variations over each other. Tony is stood at the foot of the bed, fog horn in hand, curling over in hysterical laughter.

We all jump out of bed and glare at Tony. He soon wipes the smug grin off his face. "Oh shit" he mumbles before turning to face the door and running out. We stumble into the living room to see everyone's horrified faces after seeing four angry avengers chasing another avenger who, was now in another creasing fit of laughter.

While Tony's distracted with laughter me and Nat look at each other knowingly and smirk. I run and jump onto Tony's back causing him to fall flat onto his face. I remained sat on his back until Nat, Wanda and Sam all dived on top of Tony as well. We all rolled off Tony after a minute of him squirming underneath us all, and lay on the floor laughing with each other.

"Can we save the killing of each other until after food? I made pancakes!" Bucky announces all cheery. "Солдат" (soldier) I shout as I run and jump at him embracing him in a hug. "Hey doll, how are you?" He asks me with a grin as he puts me down and starts dishing out the pancakes. "Hungover. And that twat woke us up with a fog horn making it twice as bad!" I whine to him.

Tony walks up to Nat, Wanda. Sam and I and hands us each a pair of sunglasses. I take the ones he handed me gratefully. "Am I still a twat?" He asks me smugly. "Yep" I confirm, popping the 'p' for emphasis. He rolls his eyes and sits down at the dining table with everyone else.

We all start on our pancakes and the four of us who participated in girls night kept on groaning at any noise we heard. Tony was making sure to talk exceptionally loud and laughing at us every time we pulled that grumpy face.

"You know the best part about this?" I ask the table, mainly talking to the ones with hangovers. "Hm" Nat grumbles not having the energy to talk. "I could easily take away all of your hangovers right now. But.... I'm not gonna. If I have to suffer, so do you!" I laugh. "Bitch" Nat mumbles. Wanda just sighs and Sam runs over to me and gets on his knees next to the chair and interlocks his fingers together. "Please. Please. Please. Please. Please." Sam begs me, being careful not to talk too loud in fear of hurting his own head. I just put my hand on his head and push him away. "Screw you" he sulks as he gets up and makes his way over to his seat to finish his pancakes.

We all finish our food and thank Bucky for making it. I get up and start walking to the door. "Where are you going?" Tony asks me. I don't even bother looking at thin when I answer. "Back the fuck to bed. Coming Солдат?" I smirk at Bucky, turning my head slightly to look at him. He doesn't respond but I hear him running up to me. He places his hand on the small of my back and leads the way up to his room.

He lies in his bed with me snuggled into his side. "Can you read to me?" I ask him. "Sure" he picks up a book from next to his bed and starts to read out loud to me. I didn't even focus on the words he's saying, I've no clue what the book was about or what it was called. I was just happy focusing on Bucky and his soft, calming voice. It didn't take me long to fall back asleep. But I did vow to myself that I'd kill Tony if he wakes me up again, especially with a fog horn.


"Солдат, we have a toy for you." One the armed guards told him as they shoved her in the room with him. His eyes darted over to the young girl, she had her arms folded over in front of her chest. Fear embedded into her face, she was dressed in a scruffy vest top and shorts. Her body was bruised and battered, but even through the fear there was a spark in her eye.

"What do you expect me to with this?" He curtly replied, turning his posture back to his bed. "Whatever you want, she's yours." One of them responded, a sickening tone in his voice, before closing the door.

The Winter Soldier lay back down on the tatty bed provided to him, staring up at the dark ceiling. He heard her sit down in the opposite side of the room. "Who are you?" A weak voice asked, he ignored her. Just waiting patiently for his next order.

"Can you hear me?" Her voice rose the smallest amount. "Do you know any English?" He remained silent and unmoving through her extensive talking, he listened as she moved around in her corner a little bit. "Please. Just talk to me." She sounded desperate. "No." He replied coldly. "So you do know English." She remarked, he could hear her moving around some more.

He allowed himself to glance over at the small, vulnerable girl as she shifted in her corner some more. She was curled in the corner, her knees securely pressed up to her chest, staring at him with hope filling her eyes. His eyes met hers, for the first time since she entered this dark, damp and groggy looking cell. "What's your name?" She asks timidly. "Don't bother." He replied heartlessly, eyes going back to the empty ceiling. "I'm y/n. I'm not even sure why I'm here. My parents gave me to these people and now I'm here. I think they killed them." She said shyly as her voice broke a little.

"If you don't be quiet, I will make you be quiet." He growled, this was not something he wanted. He listened as she quietly started to stifle a cry in her cold corner, he stood up and intimidatingly walked over to her, towering over her as he reached her.

Grabbing her by the hair, he brutally pulled her to her feet, he pinned her harshly against the metal wall. His cold, empty eyes met hers terrified ones. "Please." She let out, barely above a whisper. "Be quiet." He hissed, mere inches from her petrified face. Her fingers wrapped tightly around his metal wrist, searching for a way to relieve herself from his painful grasp. She was standing on the very edge of her toes, that were only covered by an old, scrappy pair of socks. A tear found it's way out of her eye as it rolled down her face, she bit her lip trying to keep herself from breaking down. A face they all made before he took them out. She glared back at him, desperately trying not to show him how scared she truly was.

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