Part 13 - I'm Free.

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I woke up in the medical bay I think, there was light beaming through the blinds covering the windows. My eyes tried to adjust to my surroundings.

I realise Alfie is curled up under my chin, he looks adorable all snuggled up. I look to my left and see Buckys head rested on the bed fast asleep, his hand holding mine. I smile to myself at the sight.

I gently start to play with his soft hair after releasing my hand from underneath his. He slowly starts to stir awake. He lets out a quiet groan as I remove my hand from his hair. He sits up and looks at me before the realisation hits him.

"Doll!" He exclaims. "Hey soldier" I say to him still smiling to myself. "How are you? Are you okay?" He asks me worriedly. "I'm fine, Buck. I promise. I was probably just tired" I reassure him.

"Actually" bucky starts. "Okay first I want to say I'm sorry for running away when you showed me your scars I should have stayed and listed to you." He tells me rather rushed while interrupting himself. "It's okay bucky" I smile softly at him. "Well as I was going to say, you had internal bleeding, Bruce had to do surgery and you've got a few broken ribs. But you'll be fine" he says. We just smile at each other for what seems like forever.

Bruce walks in breaking our silence. "Ah y/n your awake, good. How do you feel?" Bruce asks as he walks over to me checking monitors. "I feel fine, when can I get out of here Bruce ?" I ask him giving slight puppy dog eyes in the process. "Well, you seem to be fine, recovering rather quickly actually. You should be able to go within the hour just let me check you over, and be careful, deal?" He bargains with me. "Fine, deal" I say rolling my eyes jokingly earning laughs from both the men.


I was on my way back up to my room to grab a shower, I smelt of medical room ew. I got up to my room and grabbed some clothes out of my draw that I had bought with Nat and Wanda.

I got a pair of navy blue, skinny, ripped jeans. A black top which fell down at the left shoulder and of course I grabbed the light grey hoodie which I totally didn't steal off Nat.

I got in the shower, making it a quick one I didn't want to spend too long in there. I decided to get out after about ten minutes. So I got out got dressed and went to go find Bucky.

I walk into the living area where I see Bucky laughing with sam and Steve. "Hey y/n" Bucky shouts to me. "Hey" I say as I smile shyly and walk over. "How are you?" Steve asks. "Yeah I'm good thanks, hey Buck, I'm just gonna go out for a walk okay? I'll be back soon." I tell him. "Would you like me to come with you?" He asks me slightly concerned that I'm leaving alone. "No thanks Buck, I wanna clear my head a little bit" I give him a reassuring smile.

"Okay well be safe, call me if you need me. Bye doll"

"Bye soldier" I reply back to him before walking out of the room.

I almost get to the front door when I'm stopped in my tracks by the sound of Nats voice. "Is that my hoodie?" I hear her say. I spin around slowly on my heels so I'm facing her direction. "No...." I say pulling on the word a little. "Are you sure about that y/n?" She says in a playful tone. "Yes! It's my hoodie. Now at least. I call dibs!" I say before sprinting out of the front door Nat following closely behind. "So you stole it?" She asks me still joking.

I pretend to be offended by dramatically gasping and clutching my chest where my heart is, "Natasha Romanoff! You really think I'd do such a thing!" I start saying sarcastically. She gives me a jokingly stern look. "No, I simply borrowed it, permanently." I say smirking at her.

We both let out a laugh. "Eh whatever. You can keep it, it suits you." Nat tells me after we have finished laughing. I let out a kiddy little 'yay'. "Well I'm going for a walk, I'll meet up with you later though yeah?" I state. "Yeah sure, have fun" she says before we both turn around and head off in opposite directions.

I decided to take a walk along a beautiful, natural forest route. It was surprisingly close to the compound. I weaved in and out of the trees smiling to myself. The sound and smell of nature just making me happy. It was nice. I actually felt free. I wasn't being held captive and forced to do awful things. I was allowed to just walk free and enjoy myself.

I carried on walking listening to the trees rustle calmly in the breeze. I heard a faint, rough rustling in the trees so I looked up to find a squirrel running across the tree branches. It looked so elegant just jumping across the branches. There were some birds moving about in another tree just chirping away at each other.

I heard movement in a nearby bush so I followed the sound and stood in front of it. An adorable little fluffy rabbit jumped out of the bush. I crouched down so I was closer to it. "Hey there buddy" I say to the rabbit as I reach my hand out to it. It cautiously hopped over to me.

I sat on the floor with my legs crossed as the rabbit hopped closer to me. Eventually I gained the fluffy animals trust and he jumped up onto my knee. "Hi" I giggled to the rabbit and I gently petted him. After about 20 minutes of being sat on the floor with the rabbit he got off my knee and toddled off back into the bushes.

I carry on walking for a little while until my gaze falls upon a gorgeous looking tree, it had leaves drooping down from the branches. The sunlight was aimed perfectly beaming down onto the tree. I went and sat down under the tree looking around, just admiring the gorgeous view of all the beautiful, peaceful nature.

I close my eyes and lean my head back against the tree, breathing in the fresh natural air. Listening to all the sounds of nature, the trees swaying peacefully in the distance. The animals and wildlife just living their life in peace. To say this is calming would be an understatement. I smile to myself thoroughly enjoying this moment.

I'm free.


I make my way back to the compound reluctantly, not wanting to leave this place. I made a mental note to keep this place in mind so I could come here whenever I needed to escape.

I get back to the compound and walk inside making my way into the living area. Once I get there I see all the avengers gathered around talking amongst each other.

As I walk further into the room Tony glances up at me. "Ah, y/n perfect" he says rather cheerily.

"Can I talk to you about something please" he asks me. I nod I'm response walking with him into one of the empty meeting rooms.

"So y/n, I want to ask you something"


A/N : I hate doing these a/n's I know they can be annoying. But I just wanted to thank my big sister who gave me the idea for this chapter. And then conned me into letting her read this.

So square, if you got this far,
1. No you didn't
2. I apologise 🙂

Have a good day.

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