Part 1o - Nightmare.

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I woke up with my arms hung above my head chained to a metal pole. I lift up me head to look around, I see Bucky or the winter soldier sat in the corner of the room.

I knew he didn't like this, he didn't let anyone else touch me. He was protective in a way, but I knew he didn't have a choice this time. I'd tried to escape the day before, but I got caught, I got shit of the winter soldier for trying to escape him. I knew he was being controlled but I didn't want to stick around anymore than I had to.

Apparently hydra didn't see the winter soldiers beating as enough punishment so they took this matter into their own hands. The winter soldier wasn't pleased but he knew better than to fight them so he had no choice but to let them beat me like they did. That was the only time they touched me while the winter soldier had me.

As I looked around there was only me and the winter soldier in the room. He didn't approach me so I knew he must have been waiting for something.

I heard the metal door bang open. I was still weak from the night before. I lifted my head up as much as I could manage. I saw pierce walk in the room with agents behind him.

The agents were dragging someone in the room, they threw him on the floor in front of me, he looked injured and tired. They pulled him up onto his knees, his head hanging low. He looked up at me and my eyes connected with his.

"Ollie!" I screamed. It was my big brother, Oliver. He already looked out for me as a kid. Every time our dad got drunk or pissed off he tried to take the hits so I wouldn't have to. Dad wanted Oliver to be like him though so he still mostly took it out on me. Oliver always tried to protect me, as much as he could. I didn't want to see him like this. I hoped they would just try to scare me or use him as a warning.

On of the agents stood behind him and pulled out a gun and pointed it to the back of his head. "No! Leave him alone!" I screamed at the men as I thrashed around in my chains trying to get loose. It was no use though I couldn't move these chains no matter the amount of adrenaline coursing Through my body.

"No," I heard pierce start to say. I looked over to him confused along with the agents in the room. "Make them suffer" he finished before he walked out of the room, giving me a sly look as my eyes followed him out the door.

The men started to beat the ever loving shit out of Ollie. They started using knives and leaving deep wounds on his abdomen all across him until he was too weak to do anything, they beat him and tortured him to a pulp. My voice ran dry and I screamed and cried for them to stop. "Leave him alone! Stop it! No! Ollie! Please." I pleaded with them over and over again. It was just no use, they carried on until he was beaten and bloody lying on the floor.

They left him there barely breathing. "Пошли, солдат. (Come on, soldier)" one of the agents says to the winter soldier. They walked out of the room and left his weak and battered body lying on the floor. He was still alive but barely, I think it was his adrenaline keeping him going.

"Ollie?" I ask him hoping I get a response. I see him stir a little. "Hey pumpkin" I hear him respond weakly. "I'm so so sorry Ollie, I didn't think they'd hurt you because of me" I apologise frantically to him. "It's okay y/n. It's not your fault." He tells me. I start to sob while looking at his body "hey, heys it's okay y/n, it's okay" he assured me.

I notice as he starts to drift off, "Ollie! No, please!" I beg him to stay with me. "Hey y/n , I need you to do something for me, can you do it?" He asks me in his calm big brother voice. I don't understand how he's so calm right now. I nod slowly not being able to talk properly. "Close your eyes for me okay?" He asks. I shake my head violently "what Ollie no! Please!" I plead with him. "It's okay little pumpkin don't worry, just close your eyes for me" I do as he says and close my eyes.

I hear his breathing slow down and I tear my eyes open slightly and see him lying on the floor barely conscious "I love you little pumpkin" he says before his breathing stops.

"No!" I scream at him. The metal doors open yet again and agents walk in with pierce in the middle. And agent goes to grab Ollie body to drag him out the room "leave him" pierce said. The agent looked at him and nodded before two agents came over to me and unchained me. I fell to the floor still weak and drained. "I hope you learned your lesson y/n." Pierce stated with a smirk before he left again with the other agents.

I crawled over to Ollie's body. I placed myself next to him and flopped down on his chest screaming and crying into him.

"Wake up"

"Y/n come on! Wake up!"

I sat bolt up right as I let out a scream. My eyes darted around the room trying to figure out what just happened. I was met with familiar faces as I rushed back into the corner of the room and curled up hugging myself. Alfie, who was asleep on the bad, came diving over to me and tried to snuggle next to me.

Wanda's pov

I heard cry's coming from a room down the hall from mine. I left my room and headed down the hall to try and find out who the cries belonged to. I reached            Y/n's door and the cries got louder, I knew they were coming from y/n's room I was about to knock on her door to see if she was okay, I heard her cries get worse and I heard her shout a name I couldn't quite hear her.

I opened her door and walked into her room I saw her lying on the floor moving about and crying uncontrollably. "Ollie" I heard her mumble "please" "no" she continued. I didn't know what to do.

I darted out of her room and bolted it half way up the stairs "Bucky!" I screamed I didn't care if I woke other people up I wanted to make sure y/n was okay. I heard him almost immediately get up and dart out his door the the top of the stairs. "What is is?" He asked concerned "it's y/n" I told him. And with that he sprinted down the stairs into her room. Followed by me and most of the other avengers.

Bucky's pov

I heard some noise coming from downstairs, I was only awake because I woke up needing a drink I was planning on going back to sleep until I heard my name being screamed from the stairs.

I knew it was Wanda who called and I wanted to make sure everything was okay. I rushed out of my room and got to the top of the stairs. "What is it?" I ask her trying to be quiet as possible, although I'm sure Wanda must have woke some people up when she screamed for me. "It's y/n" she answered me. I didn't reply to her before I was already darting down the stairs.

I ran straight into y/n's room. Some of the other avengers rushed in behind me hearing all the commotion. I ran in and saw her lying on the floor with a blanket and pillow crying and pleading to herself. She was thrashing about in her sleep. I didn't want her to hurt herself so I scurried over and held her hands in mine to prevent her from causing any harm to herself.

"Y/n, y/n wake up"

"Wake up its just a dream" i pleaded with her.

"Wake up"

"Y/n come on! Wake up!"

She sat bolt upright and let out the most gut wrenching scream, she was terrified. I watched as she looked around trying to figure out there she was. Her breathing was hitched and she was panicking.

She quickly darted off to the corner of the room and curled up into herself and started to sob. Alfie was sat on the bed trying not to get to close to her. I could tell he was worried about her. He quickly got up and scurried over to her trying to cuddle into her.

When he couldn't calm her down he looked over to me and let out a gentle 'meow'. He used to come get me back at hydra when something was wrong with y/n or he couldn't calm her down. Right now he knew he couldn't help calm her.

I carefully walked over to her and placed my hands gently around her and pulled her close. She fell into my chest as she wrapped her arms around me, clinging on like she never wanted to let go as she cried into my neck.

I turned around to the others and gave them a quick nod to signal that I had it from here. They nodded back understandingly and made there way to the living area. I don't think any of us were getting back to sleep after hearing her scream like that.

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