We decided to start the night off by playing 'never have I ever'. "I'm assuming you all know how to play? Someone says never have I ever done this and if you have you take a drink. Got it?" Nat takes the lead. We all nod and hum in agreement. "Who wants to go first?" Nat asks. Sam instantly raises his hand and waves it about in anticipation. Nat gives him a nod off approval to start.
"Never have I ever slept with another avenger." He says. Me, Nat and Wanda all take a drink. Sam and Wanda look at Nat shocked and I give her a knowing smirk. She just shrugs and looks at me. Wanda looks between me and Nat until the realisation hit her. She points to me with her mouth open. "You know!" She shouts and I just laugh. "It's not hard to figure out!" I laugh at her.
"My turn! Never have I ever given head to someone." Wanda says. Me and Nat both take a drink and smirk at each other. Sam gives us a gross look while Wanda laughs at us. "Regretting girls night yet Toto? It only gets worse from here." I smirk at him. "Nope" he states matter-of-factly.
"Never have I ever had sex in this avengers compound." I say. Nat and Wanda both take a drink, I smirk at them both knowingly. "I might have to join the club." I state as I smirk at the girls. "Can someone please say something so I can drink!" Sam whines wanting to change the subject. We all just laugh at him.
"Never have I ever been scared of Tony Stark" Nat smirks as me, Wanda and Sam all take a drink. "In my defence, I just got away from hydra, so did she. Sam's just a pussy!" I declare and we all fall into another fit of laughter.
The game continues for a while going back and forth between us all. We were all starting to get a little tipsy. We soon we're all on our second bottle of wine each, and still on the first game. It was Nats turn to go again.
"Never have I ever had sex in a hydra base while captive" Nat states smirking at me. I take a drink. "Smooth. But the fact that you said 'while captive' makes me wonder what the hell you did" I laugh at her. I decided to take this up a notch since the alcohol is working it's affect and I know I can out Nat here and now and I'm sure as hell gonna do it.
"Never have I ever had sex with my boyfriends best friend. I.e, Steve Rogers" I bite my lip in anticipation knowing what's about to happen. Wanda and Sam look at me confused before they see the glare Nat is giving my and put 2+2 together. Nat reluctantly takes a drink, not looking away from me while she does so.
"Run" Wanda says, that's all I need to up and peg it out of the door. Everyone else was getting ready to go to bed if not already there. I ran into Tony on my way to find safety. I don't even hesitate, I jump into his arms. Thankfully he catches me. "Save me!" I squeal. "From what?!" He asks overly confused. "ANGRY RUSSIAN!" I shout curling into him more. Bucky peers around the corner after hearing the exchange. They both laugh at me.
Nat comes storming into the room, she tries to grab me. "Wait I can't fight back! I don't think golden boy would like it if I damaged his girl, do you?" I smirk at her smugly. She lunges at me, in a joking manner of course. We both throw punches and kicks at each other. Wanda is stood next to us with a bottle of wine in her hand while enjoying the show. Me and Nat eventually stop fighting and end up lying on the floor entangled in each other in a fit of laughter.
"What the fuck is going on?" Sam asks confused. "Girls night" Wanda informs him shrugging like it's nothing. "Okay I'm going to bed" Tony shakes his head as he laughs and walks past us all. "Wait Tony!" Wanda shouts after him. He turns around to face her. "We need more wine." She tells him pretending to be shy. He chuckles at her before pointing in the direction. "Kitchen" he sighs and walks off followed by Bucky who's also going to bed.
Wanda walks off to get the wine while Nat and I scramble ourselves up from the floor still laughing with each other. We all make our way to Nats room and get comfortable again before deciding on what to do next. We played a few rounds of truth or dare which was no way near as fun by any means.
Nat pulled her computer up and in the drunken state we all were in, we decided to do some online shopping. "Ooh, y/n look. Bucky would like that!" Nat says while eying the leather jacket presented on the screen. "Ey! He's my super soldier, you've got your own!" I tell her sternly while we all laugh. "Although you've got a point, let's order it!" I encourage as we order the jacket. We ordered a bunch of different shit, using Tony's credit card of course. I even got Sam a book explaining the plot of supernatural so I didn't have to keep doing it.
We decided to finish the shopping since we didn't want to actually die at Tony's hand, what a shit way to go out. We closed the computer and selectively decided to watch supernatural. I say selectively it was more like us girls told Sam that it was happening and he didn't get a choice. But selectively chosen sounds better, don't you think?
"Why's he acting like that?!" Sam shouts at the tv for the god knows how many times tonight. We grunt as Sam's comment. "Are you an idiot Samual?" Wanda asks him. "I can't tell if he's just being a dick or he actually can't wrap his head around it!" Nat announces. "You can explain to him this time y/n" Wanda tell me. "What? Come on! I explained last time!" I whine but still explain to him anyway because I'm such a nice person. No really, I am, maybe, or maybe I just didn't want to get killed at the hand of Nat either, still not the best way to die.
"Because Samual, he had a rabbits foot! A cursed rabbits foot! Meaning while he touched it, it brought him good luck, but as soon as he looses it the bad luck never ends, it kills you. So no, Sam, he didn't just lose his shoe for kicks he just had tremendous bad luck! It literally explains it in the episode. How did you miss that? Please tell me you've grasped it now?" I explain to him as slowly as possible so he understands. He grumbles and throws his head back. "I'm going to sleep!" He states as he closes his eyes and soon drifts off to sleep.
We all follow suit, I snuggle up closely to Nat as she snuggles into me as well. We soon all fall asleep, all snuggled up to each other with supernatural still playing in the background. I most definitely needed a night like this, even though I might not remember it in the morning. It was worth it.

I don't blame you. I never did.
Fanfiction"Why won't you go and talk to her buck?" "Because if I go in there and she tries to kill me... I'm not going to stop her" ~~~~~~~~~ Your found by the avengers in a hydra base. All the avengers know is that you are a highly skilled, deadly assassin...