im pretty sure that you are that love of mine

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Title from Dandelions by Ruth B.

(The title is /p)

There is in fact a Syndicate reference in this fanfiction.

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Non-binary or genderqueer is an umbrella term for people whose gender identities are outside of the gender binary, people who are not solely male or solely female.


"Worrying works! Pretty much everything I worry about never even happens!"

Ranboo's been avoiding coming out to his friends, fearing possible rejection.
When he finally does it he realizes how silly it was of him to worry about it.


"You should stop worrying so much, I'm sure they'll accept you," Dream tied his shoes as he spoke, "And if they don't then you drop them. Simple!"

"Worrying works! Pretty much everything I worry about never even happens!" Ranboo exclaimed, already standing by the front door.

Dream laughed at him, "So you agree with me? Nothing bad's gonna happen?"

Ranboo groaned and swung the door open to head to the bus stop. They planned on coming out to their friends as non-binary today. Their friends, Tommy and Tubbo, were very openly supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, but they still couldn't help but worry. To be fair, they do have crippling anxiety.

Their brother followed behind them, quickly starting up a conversation with Sapnap when they reached the bus stop. Ranboo just stood there, awkwardly on their phone and pretending to be busy as more students came to wait for the bus.

After a few minutes of absently refreshing their instagram feed, they gave up and pocketed their phone, listening in to their brother's conversation. Ranboo's attention was pulled away, however, when somebody tapped on their shoulder. They already knew who it was without having to look behind them.

"Hey, Tubbo." They turned to face him, waving slightly.

"Hello! Do you want a screw?" Tubbo held up his hand, a rusty screw pinched between his index finger and thumb.

"Do I want to what" Ranboo heard him perfectly fine, but it was just such an ample opportunity that they couldn't miss. Plus, they loved messing with Tubbo.

"That's not what I said and you know it." He deadpanned, unamused with Ranboo's joke, which they found hilarious.

"No, no, I don't think I did."

"Whatever." Tubbo rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, directly contradicting the smile on his face, dropping the screw back onto the sidewalk. Maybe if Ranboo hadn't made the absolute golden sex joke they would have asked why Tubbo had a rusty screw and why he would offer it to them, but oh well. The sex joke was much more satisfying than any explanation would have been. "Are you doing anything later?"

"Uhm, I don't think so, why?" They were doing something later. They were going to tell Tommy and Tubbo that they're non-binary.

"Cool, I was thinking me, you, and Tommy, could go to that one cafe." Tubbo didn't have to say the name of the cafe for Ranboo to immediately understand what he meant. Niki and Techno worked part time at that cafe, Phil apparently used to work there and was good friends with the owner. They could never remember the name though. Something starting with an S, maybe?

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