On the Spectrum

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Also! Mentions of crack, just as a joke- insult? I guess?
Dream calls Sapnap 'cracknap'.  Kudos to you if you remember that.

I also realized just before posting this that I left a few bits in there that I didn't mean to, so if you see a line that seems kind of odd like it isn't supposed to be there- something like the narrator going off the tracks a bit- just ignore it. I don't feel like editing it.

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Acespec is an abbreviation for the term 'asexual spectrum', which refers to any sexual orientation that is asexual or closely related to it.


"See, I don't-" Sapnap stopped himself, pausing for a second before rephrasing his sentence, "I've never felt sexual attraction or anything like that, but still a sexual relationship..."

How they got to this topic, only god knows. They've drifted so far from their original discussion topic that none of them are even too sure they ever had a specific 'topic' or if they were just spewing random words, sharing whatever comes to mind to fill the silence. If we're being honest though, there's never any silence with these three.

"Pft- like 'i mean sex though...'" Dream mocked, using a different tone to mimic Sapnap even though his normal voice would probably have been a closer match to Sapnap's.

"Exactly! See, he gets me." Sapnap said as he clapped his hands together.

Dream cleared his throat, "I, actually, in fact, actually-"

Sapnap cut him off before he could pull it on any longer, "Get to the point fuck tard." he complained. Not whined. Sapnap doesn't whine. He did not whine-

"Shut your ass cracknap-" Dream rolled his eyes as he scoffed, "As I was saying, I do not 'get' you. Shitface." The end sounded like it was added as an afterthought. Just a nice little term of endearment.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

There was a short moment where neither of them said anything before Dream muttered, "Dumbass.", under his breath.

"Dickwad." Sapnap replied with just as much malice. Which was... actually close to none. Despite their constant arguments and rude jibes, it was all light-hearted, they didn't mean any of it. For the most part, at least.

"Idiots." George rolled his eyes dramatically, "You are both idiots."

"Ok, look-" Dream tried to continue his explanation, a bit delayed, but better late than never. Unfortunately, he didn't get the chance because-

"UGH." -Sapnap interrupted him with a loud groan.

"No! Look!" Dream insisted, ignoring Sapnap's persistent mocking, "I just think-"

Sapnap snorted, cutting Dream off again, "You think a lot of things, Dream," he said, "doesn't mean we need to know it all."

"Oh suck my dick!" Dream shouted, irritated by Sapnap not letting him talk. This happens more often than it probably should. Regardless, they never stay upset at each other for long.


Dream ignored Sapnap's comment. "I just think- I just think sex is weird." Which is completely contradictory to his previous statement.

"Weird?" George asked. He doesn't usually contribute a lot when Dream and Sapnap quarrel like this. Though he has had his fair share of fights with the other two.

"Like- why would you want to be that close to somebody??" Dream fake gagged to demonstrate his disgust, childish, yes, but effective, "Kinda gross, not gonna lie."

Sapnap sighed, "So no head?" he asked.

"NO. No head." Dream laughed quietly at Sapnap's ridiculousness, then I laughed quietly at the ridiculousness of that word.

Sapnap paused for a moment before saying, "George?"

"What? No." George laughed, immediately declining the offer.

Dream hummed, "Do you think sex is weird?" he asked. It was, out of context, an admittedly strange question, but Dream was curious. Cut him some slack. Besides, in context, it isn't nearly as weird. And you have context, so shut up.

"Yeah what's your opinion on sex, Gogy?" Sapnap rephrased the question to make it sound much worse than Dream did, successfully pulling a laugh from the both of them.

"Psh- depends."

"DEPENDS??" Dream repeated with such bewilderment in his voice that you would believe George just announced he was pregnant. Which would be rather strange for a cisgender man. But, that's just how Dream speaks. "What does that mean??"

"Uh- I don't know." George shrugged, dismissing Dream with practiced ease. There was a moment of silence when none of them spoke before Sapnap made a sound of confusion. Much like how a cartoon character would. Definitely not a sound normal people use on a regular basis. Though, to be fair, Sapnap is not a normal person and he is also almost never on a 'regular basis'.

"Hah- sometimes I would agree with Dream in the fact that sex is like, weird," George explained with a chuckle, "but sometimes not. It depends."

"Wait so- we're like all.." Sapnap asked, putting it together in his head. It must've been hard for him. Let's give him a congratulatory round of applause.

George confirmed with a curt nod. Then he realized they can't see him and he responded with, "Yeah, I guess."

"YOOO W FOR THE DREAM TEAM??" Sapnap shouts, clapping obnoxiously. It was a bit of a dramatic reaction, but it was on brand, so, you know.

Dream huffed a laugh and said, "We should- We should call ourselves the 'Ace-Team'."

"Ok, I'm down." George spoke in a mono-toned voice, but despite that, it was still painfully obvious he was smiling.

Sapnap 'whoops' at George's approval, no doubt throwing his hands in the air. "WOOOO LETS GO TELL TWITTER!"

George scoffed, "I don't even want to think about telling twitter-" he joked, with only a twinge of seriousness. I like using descriptive words and then just adding 'ness' at the end.

"Yeah, no, I'm going back in the closet." Dream joked.

"IT'S MADE OF GLASS BABYYY!" Sapnap carried the same energy, still shouted ridiculously loud, giving the other two in the call a growing headache.

George sighed and rolled his eyes, "Don't think that's up to you-"

"I should sue you for- for CHANGING the material of my CLOSET."

Sapnap grinned, "I didn't change shit! I just pointed it out." he snickered in a mocking fashion, poking fun at Dream and his glass closet.

"I'm sending the stans!! No mercy! NO MERCY FOR YOU-" Dream used the famous lore line in his famous 'lore voice'. This group is all for dramatics it seems.

Sapnap fell back in his chair and placed the back of his hand on his forehead, playing the damsel in distress, "Oh nooo, not the dream stans! Whatever will I do??"

"Ok-" George sputtered a little before insulting them with an added, "theater kids."

"Ohh fuck you!"


Can't wait to pass out right after posting this.

I did not proofread this, by the way.



Mollsexual is a sexual orientation where someone feels that their sexual orientation is weak and/or soft in presence.

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