I Think this is Love

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Roller skates + Skirts = Perfection

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Quoisexual refers to an individual who doesn't understand or relate to concepts of sexual and/or romantic attraction and orientation.
Quoisexual can also refer to someone who is confused about their own feelings of sexual and/or romantic attraction and orientation.


"You're funny, we should hang out sometime!"

George always thought he was demisexual. He was proven wrong when a pretty boy in skates gives him his number and leaves George in a tornado of emotions.


George is confused about his sexuality, but he got a cute skater's number, so that's a plus.


George had gone his entire high school career thinking he was demisexual, only ever being attracted to one person.

Even then, it never led to anything. Their friendship remained as it was and George couldn't help but consider the fact that he may have never liked them in the first place. That maybe he was asexual and was just confused about how he felt.

So why did this stranger on skates suddenly hold all of the keys to his heart?

George was hanging out at the skatepark. He doesn't skate, never has and swears on everything holy he never will. He was just there to watch Sapnap. They didn't come together and didn't plan to meet there but George spotted him when he was walking home from the gas station across the street and decided to say hi.

After a short greeting, Sapnap continued skating and, as always, Sapnap glided on his skateboard with ease, riding up the half-pipes and back. He didn't even stop at the top. He just turned around, his skateboard curving with him, and went back, returning seconds later. George could never do that. He didn't even know what a half-pipe really was until Sapnap brought him to the skatepark for the first time.

Sapnap never faltered or hesitated. He rode smoothly and while, yes, he did sometimes stumble and fall, he always got back up and continued on. Brushing it off with a new found determination. That's something George never had. He couldn't imagine skating around like that. He'd probably fall flat on his face. Then people would stare and laugh. Sapnap doesn't care about that kind of stuff, and if he does he acts like he doesn't. His confidence is unwavering.

George stood there for a good thirty seconds, watching his friend skate across the park and perform tricks for whoever was watching. He turned to leave, but didn't make it very far before he heard a panicked, "Watch out!", and without having time to process what had happened, a blur of yellow crashed into him.

Whoever slammed into him brought him down with a thud. George landed on his back, but the large hand holding the back of his head told him that it could have ended much worse had it not been for the strangers' reflexes. He opened his eyes, having squeezed them shut at some point, and in front of him, or, rather, on top of him, was the prettiest boy he'd ever seen. "Is your head okay?", the pretty blond asked him, concerned.

"Uh- yeah," George stammered slightly, looking up at the stranger with what was no doubt a look of astonishment, "Thanks."

The blond breathed a sigh of relief and removed his hand from the back of George's head, using it to support himself. The small movement, while surprising George by forcing him to hold up his own head, also brought attention to their current predicament. The stranger had his arms squared up with George's shoulders and one knee on each side of his hips. "That's good."

"Yeahhh" George drawled as the blond, who he only just realized was on skates, adjusted himself so he was sitting down and not holding George down. He wouldn't admit it but he missed the presence as soon as the breeze hit his face.

Regardless, he stood up, offering a hand to the skater when he saw the blond's nervous expression. "My name's Dream.", he smiled.

"George." Now that he was on his feet, it was obvious how much taller Dream was compared to him, he'd be a few inches taller even without the skates. His wheat hair was messy, just about shoulder length and clearly cut by the man himself. He wasn't wearing a helmet, his cropped hoodie was a bright yellow, a bold statement, and layered over a black turtleneck that didn't appear past the hoodie, meaning it was probably cropped too.

Dream smiled, revealing slightly gapped teeth and small fangs, his freckles moving with the curve of his face. His eyes were hidden when he smiled, olive green concealed by long blond lashes. George looked down at the blond's skates, but his eyes stopped before reaching them, freezing on the white pleated skirt that brushed over biking shorts. 

Even though the skirt didn't expose any extra skin, considering the shorts underneath reached his mid-thigh, his eyes snapped back up. He caught a glimpse of the skates, the same yellow as Dream's hoodie with white laces. His legs also adorned white leg warmers, stopping just below his knees, but one was more pulled down than the other, and George couldn't tell if it was supposed to be that way or not.

"What's with the- the yellow?" George asked, calming himself down.

"Yellow? What yellow?" Dream tilted his head in a puppy-like manner, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

George pointed to his hoodie, "Is that.. Not yellow?"

"No," Dream laughed, "It's green."

George stood silent for a good few seconds, intensely staring at the hoodie, "I'm colourblind."

Dream, caught off guard by his comment, burst into a wheezing laughter, nearly doubling over in a fit of kettle-like sounds. George couldn't help but smile at his ridiculous laugh. When he caught his breath, Dream stood straight, wiping a fake tear from his eye. "You're funny, we should hang out sometime." He grabbed a piece of paper and pen from a pocket George didn't even notice he had, quickly scribbling something down, "Here's my number, call me!"

Before George could process what just happened or even get another word in, the blond skater was already off, rolling away like a natural and easily skating past Sapnap, just barely avoiding the noirette, who flipped him off as he giggled. He skirt swished in the wind as he blew past in a whirl of-
Wait- Sapnap?

Does he know Sapnap?

Why does George care?

A lemon and raspberry scent lingered in the air, Dream must've been wearing some kind of perfume, or at the very least been sitting around a candle. Maybe it was the smell of his shampoo or body wash. Whatever it was- George loved it.

God, what was he thinking?

He was obsessed with a pretty blond boy he just met. He didn't even think that was possible for him. He thought he was demiromantic.

George turned and started to walk towards his house, away from the skate park and away from the intoxicating smell of citrus and sugar. He needs to get away from Dream to think clearly about how he feels. He can't really understand how he feels or how he identifies, but he can put Dream's number in his phone to call later.



'pretty boy'



An intersex person is somebody who was born with a combination of male and female biological traits, for example, somebody with male genitalia who goes through female puberty (less body hair, chest growth, etc.), or someone with female genitalia who goes through male puberty (lower voice, thicker body hair, facial hair, etc.).
Being intersex doesn't at all change one's gender identity or gender expression and they can choose to refer to themselves as anything they'd like.
They also, like any transgender individual, do not owe you any answers to personal questions about their body!

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