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This is a pretty short one shot, barely 500 words.

No matter, I like it.

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Pomosexuality is denying, refusing, avoiding, or not fitting any sexual orientation or label.
I always thought it was kind of a contradicting term, which is what inspired this one shot.


"You identify-"

"-And I hate it!"

Tubbo, who is pomosexual, rants about how much he hates the term pomosexual.
Tommy's losing his shit and Ranboo is completely lost with a forming headache.


"It doesn't make any sense!" Tubbo's voice rang through his headphones, startling Ranboo, who just joined the call. He sounded upset about... something.

"Tubbo, I'm gonna need you to calm- calm down." Tommy spoke through his own laughter.

"No!" Tubbo shouted in response. True to his words he did not calm down in the slightest, and Tommy only laughed harder.

"Why... Why are you yelling?" Ranboo asked hesitantly. Neither of the two acknowledged the fact that he joined the call and he wasn't sure they even noticed him there yet. He can't say this hasn't happened before, him joining a call between those two and being completely ignored in favor of continuing whatever argument or discussion, debate, whatever the hell they had going on.

"Because! I'm pissed!" Well you didn't need a genius to figure that one out. Ranboo could see Tubbo throwing his arms up in frustration everytime he shouts. It's a great visual, really adds to the scene.

Tommy seemed to find the whole thing hilarious, and Ranboo was becoming concerned for his health with how hard he was laughing. "Why are you so upset about this?" Tommy shouted in between fits of giggles.

"It's- It's just bullshit!"

Calming down a bit, Tommy yelled, this time without the added laughing soundtrack, "Tubbo, you identify-!"

"-And I hate it!" Tubbo cut him off before he could finish his sentence, which didn't help Ranboo figure anything out as to what he was so upset about. Whatever it is, it must be pretty bad, to make him this agitated.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Tommy barked out laughter as Ranboo's clear distress, damn near wheezing. If Ranboo didn't know any better he'd assume the blond was somehow related to Dream.

And he does.

Tommy never liked that theory, but his blatant disregard for it only encourages Ranboo. They both have blond hair, they're both tall, and they both wheeze like kettles. Admittedly, Tommy much less than Dream, but that's besides the point. All the evidence is there, and the way Tommy denies it is extremely suspicious.

"Tubbo's going off on a rampage about how much he hates the term pomosexual." Tommy explained right before choking on his own laughter.

.."Why?" Ranboo asked, "Aren't you pomosexual?"

"It directly contradicts itself- it's- it's a paradox!" Ah, of course. Paradoxes. The worst thing to exist since slavery. Expecially the pomosexual paradox. Oh how frustrating and devastating it is.

Tommy snorted, "Pomo-Paradox."


Ranboo left the call with the click of a button, immediately silencing his room once more. He slowly removed his headphones and set them on his desk, massaging his temples. Not even five minutes in a call with those too and he could already feel his head pounding as his brain cells made their way out.

That call wasn't even that bad. On a scale from 1-10 he'd rank it at about a 3. But he was tired. Now, with the knowledge of hindsight, he knows he probably should've just gone to sleep instead of joining a call with Tommy and Tubbo.

Nevermind that, all he can do now is redeem himself by taking a tylenol and a long nap.



Means 'many genders'.
Polygender people experience multiple different gender identities.
Fairly certain this is used as an umbrella term for any gender identity that relates to numerous genders (like bigender and pangender), but I'm not completely sure.

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