No Explanation Needed

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I don't know if you can really tell (comparing this to other works of mine, I mean) but I was like, really tired when writing this.

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Trixic refers to non-binary individuals who are attracted to women, exclusively or not.
Trixic is a diamoric term, meaning it is a term for non-binary people who can't be described as being attracted to the opposite gender or same gender.
Trixic is also known as orbisian.


"You're like my brother, can't I call my brother?"

"How do you do that?!"

Tommy plans on coming out to Wilbur, but apparently, Wilbur knows a lot more than they originally thought.


Tommy's non-binary and trixic, most people understand the first term, but pull a blank at the latter. They've gotten sick of explaining and re-explaining it so they've taken to just saying they like girls. Usually, nobody questions them any further and they don't have to deal with it. And Tommy totally doesn't mind when ignorant people call them straight even though they're non-binary.


Since officially coming out, they've only really told their family and close irl friends. Now, the time has come that Tommy would be coming out to their online friends. Of course, the first person they would be coming out to is Wilbur. He's practically Tommy's brother at this point.

While Tommy was debating whether to text him or call him on discord, Wilbur seemed to have made the choice for them, starting a call just between the two of them completely unprompted. He must have some kind of brotherly spidey-sense or some bullshit like that.

"Hi Wilbur," Tommy greeted, "What's up?"

Wilbur hummed, "Not a lot, just really bored," He said, Wilbur was clearly drowsy and he frankly sounded like he was about to pass out, "What about you? What are you up to?"

"I'm chillin'! Y'know, like... just... chilling-" Tommy filled the silence with their voice when Wilbur didn't efficiently reply, "Why- Why did you call me?"

"I don't know," He replied honestly, "Just felt like I should." Wilbur paused like he was waiting for Tommy to say something, "Do you think there's a reason I felt that way, Tommy?"

"Jesus fuck, you creepy bastard," Tommy muttered under their breath, only loud enough for them to hear, "I... don't think so?"

Wilbur hummed again, staying silent. This was a lot harder than Tommy thought it would be. The silence on the call settled to be an eerie, well, more so, stressful atmosphere. Intimidating, maybe? Whatever it was, Tommy didn't like it. They sat quietly for almost a full minute before Tommy broke and blurted out, "Holy shit please just say something."

Wilbur snorted and, laughing, said, "Something."

Tommy rolled their eyes, even though Wilbur couldn't see it, and uttered, "Smartass". They asked the same question they did before, hoping for a better answer this time, "Why'd you call me?"

"I already told you," Wilbur dragged, "I felt like I should, besides," The smile in his voice was obvious, "You're like my brother," There it is. "Can't I call my brother?"

Tommy sighed loudly, then groaned louder and leaned back in their chair. "How do you do that?!"

"Brother's intuition." Wilbur said, "Plus, you go all silent whenever I say anything like that," Of course, Wilbur would be the one to figure it out, out of anyone of course it would be him. "It wasn't that hard to put together."

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