Scoliosis? Cetero-

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Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Ceterosexual refers to non-binary individuals who only feel attraction towards other individuals with genders that don't fit the binary.


"The difference is, 'skoliosexual' is an extremely offensive term and 'ceterosexual' is not." Wilbur kept it short, not going into too much detail other than the basis of it.

Tommy made a noise of confusion, almost like a cartoon character would, "What's so offensive about broken backs?"

"Exactly that!" Wilbur exclaimed, suddenly excited to explain this to Tommy.


Wilbur and Tommy were hanging out in a call with nothing better to do. They were sharing thoughts and ideas, some content related, some completely random. The subject changed once they had enough talking about one idea, which didn't take very long.

They covered things ranging from minecraft mods to ideal office supplies to have in a zombie apocalypse. Needless to say, Tommy wouldn't be doing much damage with his tape gun. He probably only chose it because it has the word 'gun' in it.

"What's that thing where you only like non-binary people?" Tommy asked, a complete change from what they were just talking about. I mean, unless you can somehow relate unknown sexualities to weighted blankets. "Schooly- something, I don't know."

"Skolio? Skoliosexual?" Wilbur clarified, completely welcoming the new topic with ease, even if he was slightly put off at first. He knew the term from reddit, he watched a full debate go down as to whether or not it's correct. The person defending the term lost.

"Scolio? Like scoliosis?" Tommy tilted his head in confusion, even though Wilbur couldn't see it, "The curvy foot thing?"

Wilbur was slightly taken aback, "What- no. First of all, scoliosis is when you have a fucked up back, not fucked up feet." He explained, already exasperated, but still determined to help Tommy understand.


Wilbur sighed, "Second of all, I said skoliosexual not scoliosis ." He put emphasis on the 'skoliosexual', making sure Tommy heard him correctly this time.

"Ohhh." Tommy dragged, like he understood what Wilbur was saying even though he didn't. He heard what Wilbur said, of course, but still didn't completely understand it.

"And third of all, skoliosexual isn't the right term for that."

"Wait- so why'd you say it?" Tommy asked,

Wilbur shrugged, "Because that's the term you were thinking of-"

Tommy cut him off, "But it's wrong?" he asked, noisy and disruptive as ever.

Wilbur tried again to speak without being interrupted, but he should've known his attempts would be futile when Tommy was involved. "Yeah, because-"

Tommy cut him off again, not giving him the chance to explain before throwing accusations, "So you're saying I'm wrong?"

"Yes. Yes I am." Wilbur planted his position very clearly.

Tommy scoffed, "But I'm never wrong."

"Well obviously that's not true." Wilbur deadpanned, "See you saying that makes you wrong!"

"Shut up."

"It's ceterosexual, not skoliosexual." Wilbur continued with what he was saying before, now knowing Tommy will stop interrupting him the way he was.

"What's the difference?" Tommy asked, still a little irritated.

"The difference is, 'skoliosexual' is an extremely offensive term and 'ceterosexual' is not." Wilbur kept it short, not going into too much detail other than the basis of it.

Tommy made a noise of confusion, almost like a cartoon character would, "What's so offensive about broken backs?"

"Exactly that!" Wilbur exclaimed, suddenly excited to explain this to Tommy.

Tommy started, "What-" Now it was Wilbur's turn to cut Tommy off. Though his interruption was much more knowledgeable.

"The root word 'skolio' translates to 'broken' or 'bent', so saying that being attracted to non-binary people makes you skoliosexual is basically calling non-binary folk broken." Wilbur explained, hoping Tommy was still listening and not off in his own world right now. It was hard to tell when he went quiet. "It implies they need to be 'fixed'."

"Oh. And that's not right." Tommy said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Wilbur hummed, "No, no, that's actually very wrong and rather ignorant."

"So what does 'cetero' mean?" Tommy asked, fascinated to learn more about these fancy root words Wilbur was talking about. He wasn't that fascinated, but he was curious enough to ask. Plus education is very important.

"The root word 'cetero' means other." Wilbur said, "It's Latin, 'skolio' is Greek, by the way." He added the last bit as an afterthought, realizing he didn't mention its origin before. He isn't sure how useful that may be to Tommy in the future, but who knows.

"Wh- I don't care-" Tommy didn't seem to see it the same way as him, not interested in the origin of the root words, "But that's actually accurate and not offensive."


"So people who use the word skoliosexual are wronguns." Tommy asked, more like stated, already knowing the answer. Still, clarification is always a good thing.

Wilbur hummed, "Pretty much, yes." he affirmed.

They continued sitting in the call and changing the subject every five minutes. As you do.


Fun fact- I have scoliosis.



Orchidsexual is a micro-label on the asexuality spectrum that refers to someone who feels sexual attraction but does not wish for a sexual relationship. Pretty much the opposite of cupiosexual.

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