Curiosity Killed the Cat, but not in the way you'd assume

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This was stupid hard to write. Dialogue is hard to write.

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Somebody who is acespike will generally feel no sexual attraction, but occasionally experience intense sexual feelings for a short amount of time.


"Please somebody-" Karl brought his mic closer to his face, "Please I just want an explanation."

George sighed dramatically, as though explaining this took a lot out of him, "It's 'cause I'm acespike."

George makes a joke about being acespike and Karl becomes curious and wants to know more about his sexual orientation in a totally not 'sus' way. (/gen)


"Wait- wait- Dream, what did George just say?" Karl giggled, somewhat akin to how a middle schooler would giggle after whispering a curse word into their friend's ear. He's been sitting in a call with the other four of the self-proclaimed 'feral boys' for almost three hours and was growing increasingly sleepy, only adding to his 'giggle factor'.

"He said-" Dream began, before cutting himself off, "Wait, what? Why the hell are you asking me?"

"I don't trust George to tell the truth." Karl shrugged, leaning back in his chair and adjusting his headphones.

Dream yawned, "Why wouldn't George tell the truth?" he asked over Sapnap's laughter. Sapnap's been playing different games the entire time they've been on call, switching between a couple and occasionally adding his own quips. At some points, Karl couldn't tell if he was talking to them or someone else.

"What reason could he possibly have to lie?" Quackity followed, this is the first thing he's said in a while, since announcing, rather loudly, that he had to go take a piss. It was rather disruptive and completely cut off the debate between Dream and George.

"I don't know! But-"

The man himself cut Karl off, "Why are you talking about me like I'm not here?" George said, acting annoyed despite the fact that you could clearly hear the smile in his voice.

"Because you're not!" Quackity said simply, earning a kettle-like wheeze from Dream.

It wasn't even that funny.

"What?" George laughed. Not like a strangled asthma attack in the way Dream laughed. Just a small little chuckle. You know, the appropriate response to Quackity's 'not that funny' joke.

"Anyways, what did he say?" Karl brought them back around to his original question. This group had a bad tendency to get sidetracked and never return to that specific topic again. They've rarely held a single conversation for longer than four minutes.

Their current record, timed by Bad (per Quackity's request), is eight minutes and fifty-two seconds. The only reason it held on so long is because they were debating as to whether Dream, in a realistic situation, would be top or bottom.

It was broken when Sapnap asked Dream to make him food.
Quackity argued that the following argument still counted since they were then debating whether Dream was more of a housewife or sugar daddy, which would bring them up to thirteen minutes and twenty-seven seconds.
It was broken off when Dream told them to fuck off and left to make Sapnap food.
George, who was leaning towards Dream being a housewife, declared that a victory for his side.

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