Hiding at a Party

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Rated for language, underage drug use, and purposefully drugging someone's drink with ill intent!

TW! Underage drug use, non-consensual touching, and implied attempted rape! Also drugging someone's drink! Please read with caution!

This wasn't originally supposed to be so 'intense'. I was originally just going to make it like- someone makes move on him- a bit more respectively, mind you- and he hides away and finds Techno in there, yadda, yadda.
Then I added more angst and literally made him a victim.

So it would be bad to say this is made to represent apothisexuality. It's not, the original idea I had, however, was.
I myself am apothisexual and this fanfiction doesn't relate to it in the slightest!

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Apothisexual means sex-repulsed, so somebody who is apothisexual is averse to the idea of engaging in sexual contact. It may differ from person to person, some apothisexual individuals may be fine with witnessing sexual activity not involving them, others may be completely repulsed by sex in general.


Her hand set off sirens in his mind, his chest tightened and Dream's face shifted, making an irked expression, one that he's sure isn't too inviting considering the circumstances. "It's not that-"

"We'd make a good couple," She cut him off again, it seems to be becoming a habit, "Let me show you a good time."


Dream doesn't really know how he feels about parties. Sometimes they're okay, and sometimes they're not. It depends on a lot of things, like, how many people are there? How loud is the music? Are there rave lights? Is there alcohol? How has his day been beside this? Is he understimulated? Is he over stimulated?

Usually, he enjoys them. He likes being around people, and the lights and music are exciting, a bit headache-inducing if anything. He enjoys the games, the laughing, the jokes. He strives in the presence of others.

He likes the light atmosphere, how nobody is worried about anything. Not the inevitable hangovers they'll have in the morning regardless of how much water they drink to flush the alcohol out of their bodies. Not how their parents might feel about them being out so late. Nothing.

Sometimes, though, it's just... too much. The music is pounding in his head and he can't think straight. He feels like he might explode if the lights flash one more time and the people brushing up against him, accidental or not, feel like a thousand ants crawling under his flesh. Tight clothing and damp hair cling to his skin, like it's trying to restrain him.

He only leaves when his skin is on fire and he wants to rip the hairs from his head because they're touching him. Even then, he might try to stay longer. Even when he's becoming uncomfortably warm and wishing everyone would disappear he'll still try to push through it.

Even when his frustration starts building and he wants to cry because he doesn't know what to do, he has a reputation to uphold. And if there's one thing he's learned from being considered a part of the 'popular' group is that your reputation is much more important than anything else. He's afraid that if he loses that he might lose his friends too. His friends he's known since they were kids. His friends who he cares about more than he cares about himself.

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