I Like(d) You

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I'm trying my best here ;-;

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Lithosexual falls under the asexual spectrum. It is a sexual orientation that refers to somene who experiences sexual attraction, but does not wish for it to be reciprocated.
Lithosexual is also known as akoisexual.


"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to- I really did like you."

"Then what happened?"

After discovering his crush on George is reciprocated, Dream suddenly isn't as interested. How is he supposed to tell his boyfriend of three weeks that he doesn't actually like him?


Dream sat down next to George on an old park bench, the same one they usually sat on when they went to the park together, "Hey, George, can we talk?"

Dream was afraid to bring it up. He and George had only been dating for a few weeks, and he didn't want it to seem like he was purposefully playing with his emotions, because he wasn't. He isn't sure why his feelings changed so quickly, but they did. He liked George, he really did, or, at least, he thought he did.

George looked up from his phone, "Yes? What is it?", he hesitantly asked.

When Dream approached George to ask him out, he felt a queasy feeling in his stomach, like maybe he was making a mistake. He brushed it off as just being nervous and confessed anyway. And then when George accepted it dimmed. Not the queasiness, no, that actually skyrocketed, but how he felt about George. He felt stupid for asking him out in the first place and he wallowed in his own regret until Friday afternoon, when they scheduled a cafe date.

The date wasn't bad, George made good company, but Dream found himself hating the way he noticed Georges' cheeks tint red, or the way he seemed to try moving closer. He felt terrible about it too. He was the one who initiated the conversation, after all. He was the one who asked George out first.

Dream realized after a few days of holding hands in the hallways and exchanging gestures they wouldn't have before their little 'relationship' that he didn't like George. He remembers the way he'd stare at George, a complete and utter mess for him, and he wishes he could feel the same way again. He felt like he was leading George on. Which, in a way, he kind of was.

After the first week he realized it changed when George said yes. That was when he fell out of love, if you could even call it that. That was it. A one-word response to a question he'd been wanting, or not wanting, to ask for almost three months.

Dream kept telling himself he'd break up with George the next time he saw him. It was only after another week of pained conversations that he realized he was just kidding himself. Dream knew that pulling it on like this and stringing George along would only hurt them more in the long run.

That's what brings him here. Three weeks into their relationship, three weeks of which were spent mentally preparing himself to end said relationship. That was easily enough motivation to convince Dream to finally be honest.

"I think..." Dream twirled his hoodie string with his finger, avoiding eye contact with George as he muttered,"I think we should break up."

George was clearly taken aback by that, setting his phone down beside him, "What?"

Dream licked his lips, "I'm sorry, but, it's just..." He trailed off before finishing his sentence, not being able to put it into words.

"You were the one who asked me out?" George laughed slightly, posing it as a question and trying to tip-toe around the topic by brushing it off as a joke and hoping Dream drops it. Despite how light he tried to keep his voice the nervous waiver was still obvious.

"I know-" Dream said, curling in on himself and staring at his feet, "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to- I really did like you." One of the things Dream hated above anything else is confrontation.

"Then what happened?" George said, pushing for answers despite Dream trying to avoid giving exactly that.

Dream stuffed his hands into his pockets, "You liked me back?", he uttered under his breath, barely loud enough for George to hear. He didn't sound completely sure of himself, he was uncertain if that was it or not, but, it was his best guess. Maybe he was just afraid to admit that was why he lost feelings.

"What?" George asked, "What does that even mean?"

Dream lifted his gaze, meeting George's eyes before immediately looking away again. "Jesus, forget it, it doesn't matter."

"No, I won't 'just forget it'," George said, "Regardless of your idiocy- and whatever we had- you're still my friend."

They've been best friends since middle school, that's one of the main reasons Dream was so afraid to confess. He kind of wishes that had been enough to completely prevent him from confessing at all. But Dream is glad George still sees him as a friend even though he made what, to him, seems to be the biggest mistake he's ever made.

"It's just..." Dream removed his hands from his hoodie pockets, unable to hold them still, fidgeting constantly, "Hard to explain."

George rested his hands on Dreams, his expression not giving anything away, "So try."

Dream looked up at George again, trying his best to hold eye contact, something he's never been good with, "I really did like you, but when I confessed and you said you liked me back..." Dream wasn't sure how to continue, so he didn't. He let himself trail off and trusted George to understand.

"Then your feelings changed?" George finished for him, tilting his head slightly.

Dream refocused his attention to zero in on the other people in the park, "Yeah... does that make me weird?"

"I don't think so." George removed his hands, crossing his arms over his chest, "I do think you should've told me earlier." He kept his tone flat and indifferent, effectively worrying Dream, who wasn't sure what exactly that was supposed to mean.

"I'm sorry..." Dream felt like a child being reprimanded. He shouldn't have to be babied like this. He's a junior in high school and yet he's still figuring out how to read his own emotions, which is ironic considering that his mother's entire profession is centered around helping others understand and deal with their emotions. You think he'd be better at it.

After a few seconds Dream spoke up again, "Are we... okay?"

"We will be."



Fraysexual is a sexual orietation for people who feel more or only feel sexual attraction towards people they don't know or don't know very well rather than people they've formed an emotional connection to.
Fraysexual is also known as ignotasexual.

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