But I know what I'm doing so I think that I can trust me

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Title from Person in the Mirror by Naethan Apollo!

Really hope I wrote this accurately. I described it the same way any other romantic relationship would be described, but that's kind of hard considering I'm aroace.

Rated for language and heavily implied (pretty descriptive actually) sexual content!

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Autosexual refers to somebody who is attracted to themselves, more so than they are to others. This attraction can be romantic, sexual, or both. Some autosexuals prefer self-pleasure rather than pleasure coming from anyone else. Being autosexual does not mean one will never be interested in a sexual or romantic relationship with anyone else.


I wanna feel handsome, I wanna feel pretty

Dream's autosexual, he's gotten some shit for it but he doesn't see the problem.
He's hot, and anyone can see it. Why is he considered narcissistic for admiring himself? Why is wrong to say he can understand himself better than anyone else could when it's true?


Dream's attractive, anyone can admit that, so why is it so wrong for him to say? What is it about him admiring his own beauty that makes him a narcissist?

He has pretty green eyes, bright and half concealed by long blond lashes, his freckles practically jump off of his face, light and messily scattered in a way that makes it look like they were hand-painted- one by one- with utmost care and affection.

His uneven dimples fit his face in such a way one would believe that's how all dimples are supposed to be. His small fangs, sharp enough to cut skin but not sharp enough to look unusual, gave him an animalistic look. His thick eyebrows and long wheat blond hair framed his sharp jaw perfectly.

His face was unmarked by acne, but told a story through small scars and blemishes, mostly from childhood injuries that never fully healed. He was a novel, and his experiences and emotional qualities are what made him, as one would say, a 'best-seller'.

Broad shoulders and a wide grin, a small waist and large thighs, mostly fat but just enough muscle to be soft and strong at the same time. His fragile collarbones lead to his lean arms and his flat stomach, curving slightly closer to his pelvis with a trail of blond hair leading to his belly button. The way his lips became swollen when he bit them too hard from nerves to the competitive gleam in his eyes.

He was, in short, beautiful.

Handsome and pretty at the same time, his beauty was unmatched- incomparable to anyone else. He was perfect. Without flaw.

Something else that often pissed people off was the way he dressed, revealing and enticing. He showed himself off and that infuriated people, which didn't really register, considering it was in fact, his body. Also considering the fact that the red on their cheeks was clearly not just from anger. He was like a sculpture, a work of art, meant to be seen and admired, an untouchable fantasy. Like a Dream.

He often stood in front of his mirror for a moment longer than necessary, admiring himself. The butterflies in his stomach made him shiver. He enjoyed his alone time, even when he wasn't doing anything, just relaxing in his own company was such a simple and pure act that made him feel giddy, like a schoolgirl around her crush.

Dream spoiled himself with small pleasures, small jewelry, snacks, flowers, all gifts that he often bought himself and loved. He believed he deserved it. It made him feel nice to receive something from himself. To care about himself.

Sometimes he'll kiss his wrist, relishing in the warm feeling of his own soft lips against his skin. He'll rest his own warm hands over his hips or stomach without seeing anybody else when he closes his eyes. The delicate skin on his untouched thighs and torso against his callused hands, bruised and cut from years of work and dedication. Pale, soft skin again his rough sun-kissed hands made for a divine sight.

He'd much rather pleasure himself than be pleasured by or pleasure somebody else. When he engaged in physical contact he'd sit in front of his mirror, his large hands traveling across his curves and brushing against his most private areas.

These moments were only to be shared with himself. Dream would admire his body and watch himself fall apart by his own touch. He loved the way his eyes dilated and his face grew red. The way he would twitch as he orgasmed or the way he bucked his hips.

But it goes beyond physical attraction. He loves his own company, and he loves the way he laughs and makes the stupidest jokes. He loves understanding himself more and the more he understands the more there is to love. His attraction is as emotional as it is physical. He is bonded with his own mind in a way nobody else could bond with him.

He loves himself in the same way he's loved partners before. He loves himself and cherishes himself in the way he's done to partners before. Gentle kisses and soft whispers, genuine promises of love.

Dream has had numerous partners, and he is interested in finding somebody else to love, but he simultaneously chooses to love himself, not just equally, but in the same romantic manner.

He doesn't believe it makes him self-absorbed, or a narcissist, he believes he's just loving himself how he feels he should. Why could he worship somebody else, somebody equally as alluring, equally as bewitching, but never himself?

He was exquisite and he knew it.



Graysexual is just as you may think, it describes the gray area between sexuality and asexuality. It refers to people who are somewhere in between being asexual and allosexual.
(Asexual refers to somebody who does not feel sexual attraction and allosexual refers to somebody who does feel sexual attraction.)

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