Learning Something New

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Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.

Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Aceflux refers to someone who's sexual orientation changes, but generally stays on the asexual spectrum.


"It means sometimes I want to have sex and sometimes I don't, get over it."

"Yeah. Nerd."

Dream, Technoblade, and Tommy are hanging out on a Minecraft server and Tommy learns something new about Dream.


Dream and Technoblade were hanging out on a minecraft server. Nothing special, just a random world Dream made out of pure boredom. There was no bigger point to it, he just wanted something to do to occupy his free time. Techno called him a little after he made the world and ended up joining as well.

They were mostly just running around, occasionally switching between survival and creative. Dream and Techno even had a few short, half-assed duels using flowers and a stick, respectively. At some point, Dream found the end portal, completely by accident mind you, and planted little poppies all around it, changing the stone floor to dirt in the process.

He didn't even say anything about it. Techno didn't know until he went out searching for Dream himself, teleporting to his character. Dream was trying to tame a wolf he spawned in, and Techno watched him try at least four times before it worked. Dream then immediately died the collar lime green.

They had nothing better to do.
I mean, they did have other, more productive, things they could be doing. But they really didn't want to.

Besides, they were having fun right now.

After almost an hour of pure, unadulterated chaos the duo were causing in a block game, Tommy joined their discord call, carrying his usual loud persona. "What's up fellas?"

Dream groaned slightly, turning his minecraft character to face Techno's and dropping a stick he accidentally picked up earlier. "What do you want, Tommy?"

"What? Can't I hang out with my best friends?" Tommy emphasized the term 'best friends' and Techno snorted. He didn't miss a beat in hitting Dream with the stick he just picked up, choosing violence over reasoning.

"What was that for?!" Dream shouted, hitting Techno before running back to the forest to collect more wood for the house they were about to build. They were both armourless, having died in a lava pool only a few minutes prior.

They attempted to speedrun only to find it's a lot harder to do with two people than one. Especially when they're constantly bickering and 'accidentally' killing each other. They settled on building a house instead.

"What are you guys talking about." Tommy asked, well, more like demanded.

"Don't give me weapons or I'll use them against you." Techno chuckled, following Dream's neon green figure. He wasn't going to collect wood, no, he was probably going to make better weapons to assert his dominance and earn the title 'head of household'.
Dream made a crafting table from the logs he just collected and crafted an axe to speed up the process. "IT'S LITERALLY NOT EVEN A WEAPON??"

Tommy, who was still utterly clueless as to what they're talking about, tried inserting himself into the conversation once more, "I don't appreciate being left out like this." You could practically hear the pout through his microphone.

"If I can hit you with it, it's a weapon." Techno pushed, breaking one log and using Dream's crafting table to make a pickaxe with the same stick from before. He broke Dream's crafting table and picked it up, running off to a cave he saw earlier and searching for coal.

"Well by that logic- did you just take my-"

Tommy cut him off, "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?"

There was a beat of silence before the older two laughed, both in-game characters pausing as Dream doubled over and Techno brought a hand to cover his mouth.


When he calmed down, Dream invited Tommy to join them despite Techno's clear disapproval. They played together for a little while longer, devoting their time to building a wooden hut with scattered cobblestone, courtesy of Tommy.

Dream was collecting flowers to add to the front of their house for decoration. Tommy was making inappropriate jokes as he worked on the roof, as usual, and Techno was... somewhere.

"Do you like-" Tommy interrupted his own sentence with a snort, apparently finding whatever he was about to ask so funny he couldn't even ask it without laughing, "Do you like sex, Dream?"

"Depends when you ask me." Dream shrugged, picking up a poppy for the front of the, admittedly, shitty cottage.

Tommy laughed, asking, "What?"

Techno immediately came to Dream's defense, "What do you mean 'What?'?"

"I mean 'What?'!" Tommy matched his energy plus some. The 'some' being the additional energy you'll get from Tommy regardless of circumstance, the additional Tommy energy if you will.

"It means sometimes I want to have sex and sometimes I don't, get over it." Dream jumped to hit Tommy from the roof he just finished.

"Yeah. Nerd." Techno's minecraft skin sprinted up to the house that they, mostly Dream and Tommy, spent the past forty minutes on, decked in full, enchanted, diamond armour.

Dream crouched and threw the poppy he was holding to Techno, who replaced it with the sword in his hand and crouched with him. Tommy stood off to the side and took a screenshot, "What the fuck?"

"Techno. Kill him." Dream said, punching in Tommy's direction, but too far to actually do any damage.

"Yessirrr." Techno re-equipped his sword and ran after Tommy, who darted the moment Dream gave the order.

"Wait- hold on- We can talk about this!"



Omnigender refers to someone who associated themselves with all genders, but feels a stronger connection or shows a stronger preference to some more than others.

DSMP Pride Month 2022Where stories live. Discover now