Late Night A-gendas

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Get it because 'agender'

no... genda...

Anyways, I'm agender. Three big A's, agender, asexual, aromantic.

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Referring to somebody who does not identify themselves with a specific gender- somebody who is not male, female, or anything in between.
Having a lack of gender.


"I understand more than you'd think."

Nolan's been stressing about his identity, he just doesn't feel comfortable when people call him by his name or refer to him as a boy. To cope, he stays up late baking, and one night his older brother catches him.
As it turns out, he and his 'brother' have a lot more in common than he had first believed.


Nolan stood still at the counter, staring mindlessly at a recipe he had pulled up on his phone. The clock read 1:32 am, he probably wouldn't be asleep for at least another few hours. He was stuck awake until he passed out from exhaustion, his mind running a hundred miles an hour.

He set his phone down on the counter with more force than he had intended to, rubbing his eyes roughly to try and stop the uncomfortable burning. Nolan had been trying to bake a batch of cookies. For the past few nights, he stayed up late and ended up in the kitchen without fail. He's found baking to be relaxing and de-stressing, a good distraction from his constantly rushing thoughts.

As of recent, Nolan's noticed the queasy feeling in his stomach whenever somebody calls him by his name or refers to him as a boy. He knows this probably means something he's slightly afraid to admit, just because of how drastically it could change his life and relationships. So to compensate for these anxiety-inducing thoughts he's been baking in the middle of the night when he can't sleep.

Every morning Clay is the only one who says anything, maybe it's for the better that his mom doesn't question it. Clay just enjoys the baked goods, sweet or savory, and compliments Nolan with his face stuffed. They really aren't that good but considering the brothers had very little fresh baked goods over the past few years, mostly eating frozen foods or store bought goods, their standards were pretty low.

Right now, he was too tired to understand the recipe completely. It was a pretty simple sugar cookie recipe, one that claimed to taste like those Pillsbury sugar cookies that everybody loves. The problem is, it makes a small batch, and he wants to double it. The second problem is his brain is moving too damn slow to properly do the math and then remember the new measurements.

So now, with all of the ingredients already pulled out and a large bowl in front of him, he sits on the floor.

Sitting with his legs crossed and his head leaning against the cabinets, he closed his eyes. He could probably fall asleep right there, if not for the stairs creaking and startling him. At first, he assumed it was Puffy coming downstairs because of the noise he was making- which was close to none, but as he peered around the wall blocking the stairs, he was pleasantly surprised to see Clay.

Stalking down the stairs, his older brother waved, squeezing his eyes shut at the kitchen light. "What are you doing?"

"Mm, I was trying to bake stupid cookies," Nolan explained, standing up and using the counter as support, "But I can't figure out the measurements."

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