Like Biscuits... and Biscuits

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Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Novosexual refers to people whose gender and sexualities change together.
Just because someone has a fluid sexuality and gender doesn't mean they're novosexual!


"Hey what's up-"

"I'm novosexual."

At first, Karl thought that he was genderfluid and abrosexual, then he realized, with a little help from Foolish, that they change together and that there's a specific term for people like him.


Karl and Foolish are good friends and Foolish often tells Karl some things his mother has learned from patients. Things like random fun facts they picked up, specific topics they hyper fixate on, or sexual orientations and gender identities she didn't know existed. She usually told her kids all about that kind of stuff. Puffy often talks about how she feels like she's learned a lot from her patients.

Foolish and Dream, Foolishs' younger sibling, are always happy to listen. In fact, Dream learned the term 'agender' from one of Puffy's patients, a term of which they now proudly hold themself. Practically everything Foolish learns from his mother's patients, Karl learns too.

That's actually how Karl discovered he was abrosexual. Looking back, he said it pretty bluntly. Foolish defined it and then after a moment of silence, Karl said, very flatley, mind you, that he's abrosexual. I mean more power to him.

Karl's abrosexual alongside being genderfluid, and he's pretty comfortable with those terms. Both his gender and sexuality are fluid and that's it. But, the other day, Foolish brought up something about his mom's patient that really got him thinking.

Foolish sat across from Karl, in an old armchair. They had just been playing on their phones in each other's company until Foolish spoke up."You know, my mom's got a new patient."

"Yeah?" Karl set his phone down beside him, looking up at Foolish.

"Yeah," He confirmed, bringing his knees up to his chest, "Their sessions are on Wednesdays." Today's Wednesday, which is probably why Foolish brought it up in the first place.

Karl raised an eyebrow, an amused grin spreading across his face, "I assume there was a point to you telling me this?"

"Right, one of the first things they told her was that they're novosexual."

"What does that mean?" Karl asked, unfamiliar with the term.

Foolish filled in the blanks, explaining what he's heard from Puffy, "They said it pretty much means that their gender and sexuality are fluid-"

"Like me!" Karl bounced slightly from his position on the couch and pointed to himself with an excited smile. Despite how common he's sure it must be, it wasn't everyday he found someone who has both a fluid gender and sexuality like him.

"-And change together." Foolish finished.

Karl tilted his head, "Change together?", he asked.

"Yeah, so like," Foolish brought his knuckles to his mouth and brushed them up and down against his lips, a stim of his, "When they're a man, they're gay, but when they're non-binary, they're asexual, or, something like that."

"Oh, that makes sense." Karl nodded slightly, settling back into his crevice in the corner of the couch, "So it's always the same?"

"I guess, yeah." Foolish shrugged, snuggling up into the arm of the large chair and pulling up his phone again.

"Huh." Karl hummed, cracking his fingers.

"You learn something new everyday!" Foolish said with a laugh.

"Guess so."

Since that conversation, Karl couldn't get that idea out of his head. I mean, maybe his gender and sexuality do change together, it's not like he keeps track! But the more he thinks about it the more it seems like they're connected.

Now, Karl won't claim to understand everything he's ever felt relating to his gender and sexuality's constant change. Like, sometimes, he'll be unfamiliar with a certain gender. He can pick and choose pronouns just fine but sometimes he just doesn't feel like there's a specific gender identity that fits him, or at least, not one that he knows well. The same thing happens with his sexuality.

He's refusing to completely deny being novosexual for right now. Karl wants to consider it, to think about it for a little bit. And a little bit is all he needs. He already liked the sound of it, it felt right, like something he should know. And when he first heard it, Karl found it fitting.

He just wasn't totally sure that it was accurate at the time. And maybe he still isn't, but he's at least a bit more sure, which is enough for him.

It's been exactly a week since then and Karl's laying in his bed, scrolling through a random website. He searched 'novosexual' and clicked the third link that popped up, hoping to find something good. It was, if the fact that he was scrolling for no longer than a few minutes before he fully understood was anything to say for it.

He rested his phone on his chest and stared at his ceiling, watching his fan spin round. The lights were off and the blinds shut, but they weren't great blinds because light was still seeping through, just enough to illuminate the room in a dull light.

Karl relaxed with the cool air from the fan blowing in his face. Florida weather was ruthless and he was grateful to have this, even if the spiraling air burned his eyes slightly. Or maybe that was just the fact that he hasn't blinked for a good 15 seconds. He should probably blink.

Sighing, Karl sat up straight and shuffled so that his back was flush with the wall. He pulled up his contacts and clicked on Foolishs', listening to it ring three times before he picked up the phone.

"Hey what's up-"

"I'm novosexual."

He quickly pressed the red hang-up button, not because he was afraid of rejection, just because he knew it would make Foolish laugh. He set his phone on his bedside table and resumed his staring contest with the spinning air.

He lost, by the way.



Uinsexual refers to sexualities that are indescribable. It's not the same as questioning or pansexual, it is it's own thing, but it's unknown and unnamed. It's kind of just... there. It includes all sexual identities and none at the same time.
Kinda confusing, kinda cool.

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