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Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Reciprosexual is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum that refers to someone who does not feel sexual attraction unless they know that the person in question is attracted to them.
Just because they know someone is attracted to them, doesn't automatically mean that they'll reciprocate it, it's a necessity for them to feel attraction, not a guarantee.


"Maybe?" Fundy asked, his eyes lighting up and flickering over to meet Dreams.

Dream hummed again, "Maybe."

Dream thinks he likes the fact that Fundy likes him.


Dream didn't know what to expect when Fundy asked him to meet him after school. They hadn't spoken much, the only real connection they have is the fact that he's Wilbur's younger cousin and they share a computer science class. To be honest, Dream didn't even know his name until earlier this month.

Regardless, Dream still waited for him at the front of the school, just like Fundy asked.
He stood by the doors, watching swarms of sweaty teens rush out of the open doors, scratched and dented from years of use. He tapped his foot in anticipation. Whatever Fundy had to say to him better be good, if this takes any longer he'll be late to meet with Punz.

After maybe a minute or two of waiting he heard a voice sound from beside him, "Hey!" Fundy spotted Dream from behind a large group of students. Being tall has its perks. He was a bit delayed, walking at the back of the main hoard with a couple other strays leaving at their own pace.

Dream turned to the ginger, recognizing his accented voice, "Oh, there you are."

"Sorry, somebody knocked my books off of my desk and then my teacher..." Fundy caught himself rambling and trailed off, shrinking under Dream's gaze, "Sorry."

"It's alright," Dream smiled, trying his best to appear 'non-threatening'. According to a majority of the school, and seemingly Fundy as well, he can be pretty intimidating with his stoic resting face. "what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh, uhm, gosh this is harder than I thought it would be." Fundy played with the hem of his sleeves. He was wearing a jacket despite it nearing the beginning of summer, something Dream would never understand.

Fundy's face lit up bright red and a nervous smile displayed small fangs in a row of perfectly straight teeth. The braces he had throughout his freshman and sophomore year, despite being the subject to teasing and rude quips, did absolute wonders for his smile.

"I- Do you.. Want to see a movie with me?" He stuttered over his words, rephrasing his original sentence. His face remained red, if anything growing more intense, and he focused his eyes on everything besides Dream's face.

Dream felt his facade fall, the corners of his mouth resting and his cheeks blossoming with a new found warmth, "A movie?" He asked cooly. He played off the startle, easily regaining his composure with a lifted eyebrow.

"Yeah, I just- I think you're really pretty and.." Fundy held his hands behind his back and Dream could hear the faint cracking of knuckles. Dream noticed Fundy's eyes had a golden glimmer in the sun, and he instinctively traced where he was looking to find nothing but cracked concrete with small weeds growing in the dirt.

Dream chewed his bottom lip and with a short hum said, "Hm, maybe." He had never really seen Fundy that way, Fundy never stood out to him as an option, which, come to think of it, is the way most of his relationships have started. Someone admits they like him, or someone admits it for them, and he starts to see them in a whole new light.

It's not a guarantee, but it is a necessity. Sometimes, he feels like it's just because they boost his ego. Then he realizes that's an idiotic thought process and, honestly, kind of contridictatory, considering it's an idea his own mind made to bring himself down a notch.

"Maybe?" Fundy asked, his eyes lighting up and flickering over to meet Dreams.

Dream hummed again, "Maybe." he confirmed, gripping the one book bag strap secured over his shoulder.

Fundy bounced on the balls of his feet, "So... that's not a no?" He held both of his own book bag straps in his hands, knuckled going white with his tight grip.

"No, it's not a no." Dream rubbed the back of his neck, "But it's not a yes either." He'd rather not give Fundy inaccurate hope, though it seems to be a bit too late at that because Fundy didn't even react to the last bit, only becoming more excited at the prospect of going out with Dream.

"Right, okay!" Fundy grinned, "Maybe!"

"Yeah, maybe." Dream dragged, trying to disencourage Fundy's ever-growing ecstasy without completely rejecting him. I mean, he wasn't opposed to going out with Fundy, but he also didn't want Fundy to be disappointed if he ultimately chose not to.

"I can work with 'maybe'!" Fundy had a certain glint in his eyes, they shone with determination, almost comically, like in some kind of anime, "See you later, bae.. Babe!" He stuttered through the word 'babe', almost like it was hard to say. It sounded like he didn't realize what he was saying till he was in too deep to save himself.

Before Dream could say anything else, Fundy was already dashing off with an exaggerated wave, leaving Dream with an awkward hand in the air, a wave that pales in comparison to Fundy's dramatic farewell. The more Dream thought about it the more Fundy reminded him of a puppy.




Neutrois is a non-binary gender that is considered a neutral, or null, gender. Can also mean genderless.
Some people may identify as both agender and neutrois others may choose one term over the other.

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