My Favorite Planet

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I don't know if I'm very good at writing Niki, I don't watch her streams very often. Though, that doesn't really mean anything because Jack's my comfort streamer and I'm not even sure if I wrote him well.

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Neptunic refers to somebody who is attracted to female and non-binary genders. Pretty much anyone except men and often masculine-presenting non-binary people.


"So you're cool with it?"

"Of course I'm cool with it," Jack said as though it should be the most obvious thing ever, which, yeah, it should be, "Neptune is my favorite planet, you know."

Niki hears the term neptunic on a stream and feels it's more fitting than pansexual, which is what she previously identified with. The first person to know, as usual, is Jack.


It was on a stream with Jack that Niki first saw the term being used. A chat member donated, basically coming out as neptunic to her. She, being curious, searched it up. She read it out loud to Jack and her stream, for anyone in chat who didn't already know the term, and congratulated them. Jack made a comment about Neptune being his favorite planet and congratulated them as well.

Niki continued with the rest of her stream normally, not acknowledging the way her chest tightened and her head swirled with thoughts.

For the longest time, Niki had assumed she was omnisexual, with a preference for women. But now, she wasn't sure. I mean, when was the last time she felt genuinely attracted to a man, or even a masculine presenting person?

Come to think of it, Niki can't recall any time that she was actually interested in somebody who presents more masculine. She's only ever felt that way about women, or feminine non-binary people. Maybe she was neptunic. Maybe she was just wrong about her sexuality this entire time. It felt more fitting than omnisexual, considering she's never been attracted to male-aligned people.

So that was it. Niki's neptunic.
What now?

Well, she should probably tell somebody, come out publicly or even just privately. She already knew who would be the first person to know. He was also the first person she came out to as omnisexual. The man, the myth, the legend, Thunder1408.

Niki opened discord, opting to use that instead of texting or calling him, mostly because she was already sitting at her computer when she decided she was going to tell him right then. Jack answered within the first few rings, picking up with a quick hello. Niki smiled even though he couldn't see her, returning the gesture, "Hello!"

"What's up?" She heard the rustling of blankets and the poor sound quality on his end and assumed he was laying in bed on his phone. That checks out, considering it's 1am on a Thursday. He was probably scrolling through twitter or something before she called him.

"Not a lot," Niki said, fiddling with the cord to her headphones, "But I do have something to tell you."

Jack hummed and Niki could imagine him curled up on his side in a cocoon of blankets. She bit back a laugh as he spoke again, "Well what is it?"

"I'm neptunic," She began, there was no need in hiding it from him, she knew he'd be accepting regardless of what she says, "Do you remember what that means?"

"Uh, yeah," Jack said, moving and, presumably, sitting up, "It's like, only being attracted to-" He cut himself off, quickly correcting himself, "Or, being attracted to anyone but men, yeah?"

Niki nodded, before realizing Jack couldn't see her in which she then gave her verbal approval. "Yes, but I, personally, am more so attracted solely to feminine people."

"Ah, I get that." Jack's cocky grin was obvious through his tone and Niki sighed in amusement. Jack easily accepted her, completely nonchalant and chill about it, just like she had expected. He was an easy person to talk to, from her perspective at least.

"Yeah, I know you do," She replied with her own mischievous voice, suppressing a giggle, "It's a shame the feelings have never been mutual."

Niki could hear the astonishment and betrayal in Jack's over-dramatized gasp, so many emotions tied into a sudden one second inhale. "Niki!", he said, exaggerating it as much as he could with the fatigue that plagued him from being up so long, "How could you say that?! I thought we were friends!"

"We are!" Niki laughed, bringing her knees up to sit criss-cross in her chair, "And friends tell each other the truth!"

"For your information, Niki, I get so many girls." Jack said, flopping back down on his mattress, no doubt pulling the blankets back up to his chin, "And guys, because we don't judge 'up in this house'."

"I'm sure you do, Jack." Niki decided to go along with Jack's bit, supporting him and his fantasies.

"Like so many." He pushed, yawning loudly.

"So many." She encouraged him with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Jack paused for a moment, letting a still silence fill the call. Niki sat quietly with him, a smile painted on her features, waiting for him to respond again, and after a few seconds, he did, "I can't tell if you're being serious or not."

"Doesn't matter," Niki dismissed him, resting her feet on the floor again and leaning back in her chair, "So you're cool with it?"

"Of course I'm cool with it," Jack said as though it should be the most obvious thing ever, which, yeah, it should be, "Neptune is my favorite planet, after all." He pulled the same Neptune card he did on stream. At the time, Niki thought it was just a funny comment, but now, she was starting to think it was genuine.

How many people really have favorite planets? I mean, Jack Manifold does, so, theoretically, everyone should.

Smiling, Niki said, "I'm pretty sure you've mentioned that before."

"Have I?" Jack asked, the exhaustion in his voice became clearer as time passed, drifting over to Niki's end of the call and making her tired as well.

"Yeah," She rubbed her eyes, trying to rid them of the sleepiness and lift the invisible force weighing them down, "You said the same thing on stream, when that person came out as neptunic."

"Ohhh," He sounded like he was going to continue his sentence, but instead fell silent. Niki thought he may have passed out for a moment, until she heard him speak up again, this time a little bit quieter and a little bit slower, "Yeah, I probably... I probably did."

Niki hummed and quickly switched over to her phone, shutting off her computer and removing her headphones. She flicked off the lights and retreated to her own bed, responding in short answers to Jack's tired ramblings as he went off about whatever.

Whenever he was tired, he started talking a lot more, maybe it was like some kind of defense mechanism to prevent himself from falling asleep. Whatever it may be, it was rather calming, listening to him talk nonsense about nothing and everything at the same time.

At some point, they both fell asleep, neither of them having it in them to stay awake any longer. All in all, Niki was happy, it went well, like she thought it would, and Jack has officially declared his favorite planet Neptune.



Uranic refers to somebody who is attracted to male and non-binary genders. Pretty much anyone except women and often feminine presenting non-binary people.

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