Grissom Academy

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(Joker is flying the Normandy towards a space station called Grissom Academy after it sent out a distress signal)

Joker: We're not the only ones who answered the distress call. Cerberus cruiser. At least a dozen fighters on blockade duty. Too many for the Normandy alone in s straight-up fight. They must want this place bad for some reason

EDI: Receiving incoming transmission

Shepard: Lets hear it

Thorne: Patch it through, EDI

Sanders: SSV Normandy, this is Khalee Sanders, director of Grissom Academy. We require immediate assistance. Cerberus is attacking the facility, and they're after my students

Shepard: This is Commander Shepard. We're blocked on a direct approach. Any alternatives?

Sanders: There's an auxiliary cargo port I could open

Shepard: Alright. We'll come by in a shuttle and get your students out of there

Jane: Joker, can you give us a diversion?

Joker: Boy, can I!

Shepard: Ground team, this Shepard! Everyone get to the shuttle, ASAP!

(Shepard, Thorne, Jane, Kaidan, James, Liara, Garrus, and EDI all hop into the shuttle and Cortez flies them into Grissom Academy with the shuttle through an open cargo port)

(Meanwhile, Joker piloting the Normandy in a dogfight with the cerberus cruiser)

Joker: Come and get me!

(Joker maneuvers the Normandy to avoid enemy fire. Then he pulls an evasive maneuver and hits the cerberus cruiser with the Normandy's guns)

Shepard: Keep the shuttle in position. We'll be back

Cortez: Got it. I'll wait for you here

(The squad gets out of the shuttle, arms up, and goes through a hallway together)

Sanders: Commander, I'm locked in a server room just around the corner. Cerberus troops are trying to get in

Shepard: Hang tight. We'll come to you

(Shepard opens a door, and they find some cerberus troopers outside a server room)

Trooper: Get ready. I've almost got the door

Trooper: Look out! It's Shepard!

(The cerberus troopers divert their attention away from the server room and start shooting at Shepard's squad)

(Shepard and company all open fire. The cerberus troopers in the hallway are like fish in a barrel)

(One final cerberus trooper tries to rush them, but Kahlee Sanders shoots him with her shotgun)

Shepard: Sanders, you're clear. It's us

Sanders: Thank you, Commander. Admiral Anderson always said you were the best. And with cerberus coming for my students, I'll need the best

Jane: How many of you are there?

Sanders: Fewer than 20. Most were sent home when word of the reaper invasion spread, but a few volunteered to stay. Some are prototyping tech for the alliance. Others are biotics. They've been training for military operations, working as biotic artillery

Shepard: That's dangerous for your students. A few months of knocking over practice dummies can't prepare them for war

Sanders: Agreed. But the alliance needs every resource it can get. And our students are... unique resources. They wanted to help. How could we say no with the entire galaxy falling apart? I've been trying to get communications working

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