Return To Eden Prime

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(Joker is flying the Normandy towards Eden Prime so the squad can respond to a distress beacon and recover a prothean artifact)

Liara: Eden Prime. This is where it all began. Where the prothean beacon gave you the vision that warned us about the reapers

James: That's where you went up against Saren and his geth for the first time, no?

Thorne: That's the place. And now with cerberus there, the colonists are under attack yet again

Shepard: Eden Prime... Seems like so much more than just three years ago

James: How bad was it?

Shepard: A lot of dead civilians. We lost one of our teammates, Nihilus, to Saren

James: Reports said Saren had bombs set up to wipe out the whole colony

Thorne: He tried, and he failed. No blowing things up on our watch

Jack: Damn straight

Liara: Cerberus hit Eden Prime hard. Whatever they found here was worth a major offensive. There are survivors elsewhere on the colony, but they killed everyone near the dig site

Shepard: Those colonists have it rough. They deserve better

Liara: I know. The alliance did what they could to evacuate colonists, but cerberus came in so quickly...

Shepard: If we find survivors, we'll do what we can. What about this artifact? Is it part of that prothean device we uncovered the plans for on Mars?

Liara: The alliance didn't get any specifics about what cerberus has uncovered. But whatever it is, it's better off with us than with cerberus

Cortez: I'll bring you as close to the dig site as I can. No way we'll avoid detection, but you should have a few minutes

Shepard: Good. Appreciate it

Cortez: All part of the service, Commander

Jane: Alright everyone. Get ready to move

(Shepard, Thorne, Jane, Kaidan, James, Liara, Garrus, EDI, Galahad, Jack, and Cortez all board the shuttle and start flying down to Eden Prime's surface)

(Once everyone's boots on the ground, Cortez flies the shuttle away, and everyone starts walking around some buildings)

Liara: With luck, we can get to the dig site before cerberus knows we're here

Jack: And if they spot us, we can fuck shit up

Kaidan: No sign of any survivors

Garrus: Not picking anything up on my scope

Shepard: Alright. On me

Jane: This place was a beautiful colony once

James: They came back after the geth attack. They'll come back after this

Shepard: Jane and I grew up on ships. Lose one, you can always just move to another, but you'll still remember

Galahad: Look at that. My readings are going haywire. There's bits of prothean tech sticking out of the ground like old bones

James: Liara. You ever find dinosaurs while you were digging around?

EDI: According to data, those findings are scientifically possible on Eden Prime

Liara: Exactly. Fossils are paleontology. I'm an archeologist. I study artifacts left by sapient species... You were joking, weren't you?

James: Hey, I just like dinosaurs

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