Ground War

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(The reaper forces are amassing, but their attention is grabbed when a bunch of mako tanks, krogan trucks, and heavy alliance vehicles start rolling in)

(Anderson, Jane, James, and a huge wave of alliance marines and colonist soldiers charge bravely into battle)

(Coats coordinates the artillery strikes)

(Ashley leads the spectre unit into battle)

(Jack, Kaidan, and Jacob lead the biotic company to back up the frontline fighters)

(Wrex and Grunt lead the krogans into battle, acting as the heavy hitters)

(Javik just runs around killing reaper troops)

(Kirrahe and Mordin lead the salarian soldiers into the battle)

(Samara leads the asari commandos into battle)

(Garrus and Victus lead the turian soldiers into battle)

(Legion leads the geth soldiers, primes, hoppers, and armatures into battle)

(Tali, Raan, Koris, Gerrel, and Xen lead the quarian soldiers to back up the geth)

(Commander Bailey leads c-sec into the fight)

(Miranda leads the ex-cerberus soldiers into battle)

(Galahad, Kasumi, and Zaeed lead the mercenaries, assassins, and bounty hunters into battle)

(Thane leads the hanar and drell forces)

(Volus, elcor, and rachni soldiers also join the fight)

(Shepard, Thorne, EDI, and Liara lead a fireteam of alliance marines)

Anderson: All hammer squads, forward assault! No retreat!

Coats: All companies, report in

Kaidan: Artillery companies able through foxtrot are em route

Coats: Roger that. Golf through November taking up right flank. Pressing forward

(Shepard's team keeps advancing, but husks, cannibals, and marauders keep showing up left and right, basically making a deadly game of whack-a-mole)

Shepard: Shepard here. What's your status?

Jane: We're taking heavy fire, but the biotics are getting really good with their barriers. Still pressing forward

Thorne: Harvesters above!

(A few harvesters are flying through the air)

(Shepard takes one down with his rocket launcher, and a mako shoots another one out of the sky)

(The third harvester destroys a mako, but it gets taken out right after)

EDI: More enemies ahead

Liara: They're all over!

Shepard: Push them back!

James: It's gonna be hard to take down a destroyer with tanks

Ashley: Thanix missiles can do a fuckton of damage

James: If you say so

Kirrahe: Enough chatter. You heard the admiral. No retreat

Mordin: Was not expecting to be targeted by friendly fire

(Shepard and Thorne use their assault rifles to support the makos as they roll hard with their machine gun turrets and rocket launchers)

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