Cerberus Citadel Coup

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(The Normandy's crew caught a good rest before the salarian councilor Valern contacted Shepard in the vid comm)

Valern: Commander. There is something we should discuss... If you are finished rewriting history

Shepard: I made my decision, councilor. There's not much anyone can do about it now

Valern: Yes, we're going to have billions more krogan in the galaxy. It's a good thing you saved my life once, Shepard. Otherwise, well... I have concerns about humanity's representative, Councilor Udina. My agents have discovered that he's using his authority to move vast sums of money. For what purpose, we're not sure

Thorne: You don't think he's working with cerberus, do you?

Shepard: If Udina really is a traitor, then it's best we get to the bottom of it. And fast

Valern: Agreed. Come back to the citadel. We will review the evidence and discuss in private. Valern out

(Joker flies the Normandy to the citadel and gets on comms)

Joker: Alliance control, this is SSV Normandy, are we cleared to descend?

Comms: (Silence)

Joker: Alliance control, this is Normandy, we're headed to bay 1-4, zakera ward. Are we cleared to descend?

Comms: (Eerie silence)

Thorne: I don't like this, Shepard. Suspicions of Udina being corrupt and everything goes silent? What does that tell you?

Shepard: Hang on. Lets not jump to any conclusions

Joker: What the hell's going on down there? Even if there were a station malfunction, they'd have backups online. Thorne might be right. I've got a bad feeling about this. Checking emergency channels

(Joker checks the emergency channels and hears the voice of Thane Krios through his earpiece)

Joker: Hey! Yeah, this is Joker. Uh huh. Yeah, no kidding... Commander, there's a communication from Thane. He says it's important. I think you'll want to hear this

Shepard: Put him through

Thane: Shepard, the citadel is under attack. Cerberus troops are everywhere, and they're in control of the docks

Thorne: I told you so

Shepard: Are you safe?

Thane: No. I had to engage their commandos at the hospital alongside your friend Ashley. I'm in a presidium storefront

Thorne: Do you know if Ashley made it out?

Thane: No. We got separated. She said she had to protect the council. I'm going to c-sec headquarters

Shepard: Why c-sec headquarters?

Thane: It's been compromised, and c-sec's response depends on it. As long as cerberus is holding the headquarters, they have the station

Shepard: Alright. Joker, get us away from the docks and close to c-sec HQ. We'll deploy in the shuttle

Joker: Aye aye, Commander

(Cortez flies the shuttle to the wards of the citadel, and they see alliance marines and c-sec agents in intense combat with cerberus troopers all over the place)

(The squad lands in one of the wards, and they see a bunch of c-sec agents get gunned down by cerberus troopers)

(They also see Commander Bailey in the fight, but he takes a bullet to the side, making him duck into cover)

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