Chapter 26

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The Lady's chambers are dimly lit with the many wall lamps in the room. Princess Ygraine is sitting in front of her vanity, fussing about her looks. "Isn't it exciting, Samsa?" she looks at me through her mirror. "His majesty's ball will the talk of the decade! I'm so glad you decided to accompany me." I comb her silver hair gently and smile back at her. "I didn't think I'd actually be able to go since I'm not of noble blood."

She scoffs at this. "My brother cannot deny me," her smile falters slightly, "Neither of them could." I stop combing her hair as her eyes focus on a distant point. My heart aches for her. I know the grief that one has when they lose a sibling, especially a brother. However, I do not know what it feels like to be stuck between them. I clear my throat, "My lady, what would you like me to do with your hair for this evening?"

Her eyes focus on her face and squints. "Braids," she decides, "A crown of braids. I should think that it's fitting for who I shall be tonight, no?" I begin to part her hair as she has ordered. "Yes, my lady. Braids are very fitting for a nymph." I should know. A knowing smile appears on my lips as I think of my old friend. "I thought so too," Ygraine speaks, "I figured it would look incredible since I practically look like a nymph. I have already thought of an alias!"

"Really?" I laugh as she eagerly nods. "Do tell me, princess. I am truly intrigued." Swiftly, my hands begin to braid her silk-like hair. The hairstyle that she asked for isn't too complicated. My hands are used to braiding so it won't be much of a challenge. "Mistress Eigyr," she answers me, "Tonight, I am Mistress Eigyr. Just Eigyr for you." A laugh escapes my mouth before I could prevent it. "I apologize," I bite my bottom lip. "I didn't mean to laugh. It's just, you mean to introduce yourself by another name, do you?"

"I shall, Samsa," she answers with a grin.

My eyes, wide with disbelief, glance up at the heavens. Maybe the answers to her madness are up there. "You cannot be serious," I pin the braids together, making them look like entwined vines, crowning her head. "They will know it's you from the color of your hair. It is most unusual." Ygraine hands me the decorative hairpins to place in her braids. Amethyst jewels to match her violet gown. "So is yours," she points out. "Besides, the mask will do it's trick perfectly; and there will be many ladies who will dress up in the princess's fashion." She's got a point.

When the palace announced that the King decided to host a masquerade ball, all the nobles went in a frenzy. Tailors were visited, dresses were fought for. It was odd that Mordred would suddenly decide to host a ball the day after the castle was broken into. By me, might I add. So, yes, I found it strange for him to open the castle doors to masked guests. I finish pinning the last of the braids together. "Who are you going as, Samsa?"

I make sure that the pins in her hair are sturdy enough for the evening. "I'm going as myself, princess," I answer, a bit distracted by my work. Ygraine swats my hands away and turns around in her chair. "You're going to go as the princess's maid, Samsa?" Among other things. "No, that won't do. You have a gorgeous dress and mask. No one will be able to resist conversing with you. I'll think of a name as you dress," she stands and pushes me towards her screen. "Hurry and get ready. This time, I'll do your hair!" I don't protest at her commands. Ygraine will do what Ygraine wants to do, and I cannot stop her.

I hurry and undress, leaving my stained attire draped on the divider. "I'll let you do my hair, my lady, but you must promise to not do what you did last time," I joke-which results in a glare from her. I choke on my giggles. "I was just trying to braid your hair," she defends herself as she puts on the remaining accessories, "In my defense, your hair was extremely long, and I couldn't part it correctly." I slip on my dress, careful to not accidentally tear it. "So, a bird's knot was better, was it?" Ygraine throws a rag at my head, pretending to be mad. "Careful what you say," she orders, jokingly, "I might have you beheaded for insolence."

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