c h a p t e r t w o

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The morning after Elena's birthday party, I wake up with a raging hangover. Tyler is pounding on my door, shouting at me to get up. 

"Stella, come on! Mom's got coffee and breakfast downstairs!" 

"Fuck off," I groan, pulling my comforter over my head. My head pounds and a wave of nausea rolls over me at the thought of food. Apparently being a werewolf doesn't mean I'm exempt from being hungover. 


I throw the blanket off me and stride over to my door yanking it open. Tyler is standing on the other side, leaning against the frame of the door and looking at me. 

"Morning Sunshine. You look like death." 

I sigh and let him into the room, walking back over to my bed and flopping on top of it. 

"I don't feel much better." 

"Yeah, well, drinking almost an entire bottle of bourbon will do that to you." 

"Ugh, don't talk about booze right now," I tell him. "I will barf on you." 

"Come on, Stel," he says with a laugh. "We've got to get going. I told Elena we'd meet her at the Grill later and we need to stop by the cellar first to make sure it's ready for tonight." 

"Don't talk about tonight either," I say coldly. "Get out." 


I sit up from my position on the bed with a huff, staring at my brother. 

"Ty. I need to change and brush my teeth. Unless you want to stand there and watch, I suggest that you leave. Now."  

He hold his hands up in surrender and turns around, shutting the door behind him as he leaves. I sigh and stand, swaying for a second while I wait for the nausea to pass and then continuing to get ready. 

I change into some clean clothes and then head into my bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth. Feeling only slightly better, I head downstairs. My mom is sitting in the morning room when I arrive. She sets down her coffee and greets me as I approach her. 

"Morning, sweetheart." 

"Morning, Mom." 

"Want something for breakfast? Some coffee?" 

"Don't use the creamer," Tyler tells me. "I think it's bad." 

"I'm good," I say, swallowing heavily. The smell of the food is making my nausea worse and I turn away from it, trying not to gag. 

"Hey, are you ready to go?" I ask Tyler. He nods, setting his plate down and kissing Mom on the cheek. 

"Don't wait up for us tonight," he tells her. 

"Bye, Mom."

I grab my bag and head outside, following my brother. We hop into the car and instead of turning towards town, Tyler turns toward the old Lockwood cellar. I don't say anything as he drives, trying not to think about what's going to happen tonight. 

"I guess Mom caught Caroline sneaking out this morning," he says, finally breaking the silence. The knowledge that my best friend had spent the night with my brother doesn't surprise me, considering that I heard them come in, but I am intrigued to know my mothers reaction. 

"No way. What did she say?" 

"Something about Caroline having the decency not to sneak out the next morning like a hooker." 

"Classic Mom," I say. "It's always about the reputation. Have you heard from her?" 

"Who, Caroline?" 

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