c h a p t e r s i x t e e n

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My mom heads back downstairs not long after our conversation and I curl up in bed, spending a while thinking about what she said. I know what she meant, an eighteen year old shouldn't have to grow up this fast. But I've been on my own for a long time and my childhood ended that day I watched Corinne's neck snap right in front me as a result of my actions. You can't exactly be a child anymore when someone's blood is on your hands.

I'm lost in thought until I hear the sound of my phone ringing. I throw my covers aside and as I reach for the device I notice that it's Damon. Remembering Elena and I's conversation, I press answer and bring it to my ear with an evil grin.

"Well, if it isn't the whore."

He's silent for a long time, something I interpret to mean 'why the hell do I even try and call you.'

"You talked to Elena."

"Of course I did," I tell him. "Since when did the process of getting the girl involve sleeping with someone that hates her and then rubbing it in her face?"

"I don't care what Elena thinks."

"Fucking liar," I snort.

"Shut up, you're one to talk," he retorts. "I saw you dancing with Klaus last night, along with everyone else."

"Yeah, well, the difference is that I actually don't care about what anyone thinks."

"Oh I'm aware," he says and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Your boyfriend is at The Grill right now with Kol. They look like they're up to trouble."

"I don't have a boyfriend," I tell him firmly, "and how do you know? What are they doing?"

"No idea. Ric just called me to ask you to get over there."

"Ugh," I groan. "When did I become Klaus' babysitter?"

"Since he became obsessed with you."

"He is not!" I say, but I can't help the smug smile that makes its way onto my face.

"Whatever you say, pup."

"Don't ever call me that," I say darkly.

"Why? Only reserved for your special someone?"

"I will literally rip your throat out."

"Just get over there," Damon says. "And wear something hot."

"Ew. Why does it matter what I wear?"

"You're going to need to grab his attention. Might as well do it with something skimpy."

"You're disgusting," I say. "Goodbye."

"Wait, Stella," he says as I move to hang up and I pause. "Be careful."

"Good to know you care."

"I mean it. And keep an eye on the brother. I don't like him."

"Kol? I mean, that's pretty obvious considering you snapped his neck last night."

"I'm serious," he says, and I can tell that he's genuinely worried. "Watch out for him."

"Yeah, alright," I assure him. "I'll keep an eye on him."


I say goodbye and hang up, flopping back down on my bed in frustration. I look across the room at myself in the mirror and an idea strikes me. I slide off Klaus' sweatpants and put on a pair of my own jeans while leave his shirt on, knowing that me wearing it in public will drive him nuts. I let down my hair and grab my keys before shouting goodbye to my mom and heading towards The Grill.

Clair de Lune - K.M.Where stories live. Discover now