c h a p t e r t w e n t y

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A resounding silence falls over the room as Bonnie finishes her spell. Candles slowly flicker back to life and each of the originals blood pools slowly on the surface of the table. Klaus moves from his position behind me and steps toward the witch, but the look in her eyes causes him to pause.

"Thank you, Bonnie," I say softly, reaching out to grab Klaus and pulling him back toward me. "We're so grateful-"

"I didn't do it for them," she snaps. "I did it for you. And- and my mom."

She shoots Klaus a dirty look and moves around the table towards the door.

"Can I go now?"

Klaus nods and Bonnie wastes no time heading for the door. I begin to call out to her but decide that it's better to let her go, not knowing what I would say even if she was willing to talk to me. I sigh as I watch her exit the room leaving Klaus and I alone.

Neither of us speak for a long time. I'm honestly not sure what to say. Instead of trying to come up with something I turn to find him watching me carefully. Rage flickers through me at the look on his face and without thinking I bring my hands up and shove him as hard as I can.

Klaus lets out a soft oomph and staggers back, staring at me in shock. I follow after him and shove again so that he slams against the wall before grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him towards me to smash my lips against his in a messy kiss.

He kisses me back hungrily, recovering quickly from his surprise and taking the opportunity to slip his arms under my shirt and around my waist. I pull him to me harder and slip my tongue into the kiss past his lips. My stomach flips when he moans loudly into my open mouth in return.

Just when Klaus brings his hands up to lift my shirt over my head I pull away from him, shoving him back against the wall when he tries to follow and wiping my kiss flushed lips. I grab his chin with one of my hands and push his head back so hard that it slams against the wall and a resounding crack sounds through the air, causing him to let out yet another groan.

"When there is a chance that you're going to die, you tell me," I snarl. "There are things I deserve to know. What was I supposed to do if you just dropped dead in New York? Huh? Gone out and had fun anyway? Come back to an empty hotel room instead of with you? Spent the night alone instead of-" 

"I thought you didn't remember much from our trip," he interrupts with a smirk.

"Shut up!" I bark, pushing his head back even harder. When he continues to shoot me smug looks I let out a huff and release him, stepping back and beginning to pace as my anger lever rises.

"This isn't a joke, Klaus! How can you stand there and be so cavalier about your life?"

"I'm not," he says, pushing off the wall and following me. "I had a plan. A plan that worked, in case you couldn't tell. Pup-"

He reaches out and grabs my arm to stop my pacing. I try to pull away but he pulls me closer to him, cupping my face to force me to look at him and meeting my gaze.

"Talk to me."

"You can't die!" I shout angrily. I blink in surprise as it strikes me how much I mean it, how much the thought of not having Klaus Mikaelson in my life causes an uncontrollable panic to rise up inside me. How much that scares the shit out of me.


"No, I mean it," I say, pulling his hand off my face and stepping away from him. "I was perfectly fine, okay? I was- I had a life and I was on my own and I was fine."

"What kind of-"

"You don't get to talk!" I yell. "Not until I'm done. I just- you're not- you're not listening! I'm trying to tell you that you do not get to weasel your stupid, annoying little hybrid nose into my life and make me need you just to turn around and fucking die. I forbid it!"

Clair de Lune - K.M.Where stories live. Discover now