c h a p t e r t w e n t y o n e

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"Are you planning on getting up at all today?"

"Go away."

"Stella please, just-"

"Mom. I said go away. That means leave, last time I checked."

She sighs and I can tell she's conflicted between wanting to stay to try and get me out of bed and the council meeting I know she has in twenty minutes.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"

"Oh my god, you're totally right!" I say sarcastically. "I just realized that all I want to do is spend hours and hours talking about my feelings with my mommy!'


"Seriously, you have more important things to worry about than me. Just get out."

I flip over in my bed so that I'm facing the wall, signaling that the conversation is over. I hear her sigh in disappointment, a sound I feel like I hear every time I'm around her, before she shuts my door gently behind her and finally leaves my room. Not even five minutes later I hear the sound of a car door from outside and the familiar sound of her driving away.

Deep down inside I know that I shouldn't speak to my mom like that, that she doesn't deserve it. Realistically I know that but a more prominent part of me honestly can't bring myself to care. Right now I can't even bring myself to get out of bed. All of the information from last night continues to swirl around in my brain, causing my head to spin even as I hopelessly lay here under my sheets with morning sun peeking through the curtains into my room.

The idea that entire lines of vampire are capable of being wiped out just by killing one original makes me sick to my stomach, especially when I think about the fact that I don't know how many people are going to consider Tyler and I dying a worthy price to pay if it means they're rid of Klaus. There's also this nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that there's a possibility that Klaus could die, but I try my best not to think about that. Every time that thought even begins to creep into my head I feel like I'm losing my mind. It's as if my brain physically can't comprehend a world without Nikalus Mikaelson.

To make matters worse, I received a frantic call from Caroline early this morning explaining that Ric's evil alter ego has hidden the last remaining white oak stake and has no plans of giving it back. The thought of a murderous, psycho vampire hater being the one person who knows where the only weapon that can kill an original resides nearly sends me into a full blown breakdown. I debate for a long time on heading over to the Salvatore house to help get the stake back but after the stunt they pulled last night, I'm not sure that being around Stefan or Damon right now is the best idea. I might not be able to resist the urge to rip their heads off.

Ultimately I decide that the only thing I'm going to do today is stubbornly refuse to get out of bed until I stop feeling like the very ground I'm standing on is being ripped out from under me. So that's what I do.

After my mom leaves I spend most of the morning staring at the same spot on my bedroom wall, trying to unscramble what's left of my brain. The beam of light streaming in through my window creeps steadily across my floor, inching it's way towards me ever so slowly. I'm not even sure how much time has passed when I hear a car pull in the driveway. 

I'm surprised when I hear the front door open and Caroline's voice call out to me, expecting it to be my mom back from her meeting.

"Stella? Are you here?"

"No!" I shout back, knowing that if I don't say anything she'll search the house and find me anyway. "Go away!"

The blonde vampire is at my door in a flash, pushing it swiftly open and walking quickly over to me.

Clair de Lune - K.M.Where stories live. Discover now