c h a p t e r t h i r t y o n e

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The morning after learning about the possible existence of a cure, I decide to skip out on breakfast and go for a run. Elena left late last night and her departure was followed by a bout of restless sleep. Despite what I said last night about feeling positive, I can't get rid of this gnawing ball of anxiety in my stomach telling me that something else is going to go wrong. It makes me feel like I'm going insane.

I distractedly pull on my running clothes as I try to figure out how to get past the hybrids that are stationed outside the front and back doors of my house. They've been here all night despite my threats to rip off their arms to see if they grow back. Apparently they're to keep an eye on me at all times. Klaus' orders.

Eventually I decide on the classic sneaking out strategy of just slipping out my window. I leave my phone behind, needing some time to think, and push it open before dropping silently to the ground below. My bedroom window is on the side of the house so I'm able to take off through the woods without being in the line of sight of either of the hybrids.

I run as quietly as I can for a short while until I'm sure that no one is following me. When I'm confident that I'm alone I drop back to a normal running pace rather than vampire speed, really just wanting some time to try and clear my head. It's nice to have some time alone where I feel like I can breathe.

I jog slowly, letting my legs take me wherever they want. I'm hardly even paying attention until I reach a particularly familiar patch of woods. The trees are thinner in this area and they bear distinctive markings along the sides. I run my fingers over the parts of the trees where the bark is missing in claw shaped gouges, the memories of them being carved there flashing in my mind.

Instead of examining the trees, I turn and step forward to descent the stairs into the old Lockwood cellar. More claw marks line the walls in here and I take in a deep breath, the stale air still smelling the exact same.

It's crazy to me how much I once hated this space, how all of my self loathing stemmed from my experiences here. I let it have so much control over my life. It almost feels like that girl, the one who suffered in here every month for years, she doesn't exist anymore.

That's one of the things I love most about Klaus. He taught me how to let that part of my life go and if I had remained a werewolf, I'm confident he would have showed me how to live and not just survive with that part of myself too. I feel almost a sense of peace as I leave the cellar, knowing that I've left that part of my life behind.

After my run I walk back up the driveway to find Luke, the hybrid from dinner last night, pacing back and forth on my front porch. He's arguing with someone on the phone but his head snaps towards me when he hears the crunch of my shoes on the concrete.

"I've got her, she's here. Yeah. Yeah, I will. Yes. Okay."

He hangs up the phone and whooshes quickly over to my side.

"I don't want to hear it. I needed an hour to myself so you can fuck off and- hey!"

I let out an exclamation as he grabs my arm and starts dragging me towards the house.

"Luke! Stop!" I say, trying to pry my arm from his grip. "Get off me!"

I finally manage to pry myself from his grip as we reach the front door.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"You can't disappear like that."

"I just went for a run. What's going on?"

"We're assigned to protect you for a reason. You can't do that."

I examine the look on his face and realize that this level of concern isn't normal. Something is wrong.

Clair de Lune - K.M.Where stories live. Discover now