c h a p t e r t h i r t y f o u r

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Monday morning I wake up to several urgent texts from Caroline begging me to get to school early and meet her before first period. Apparently there's an emergency and, of course, she specifically needs my help to figure it out.

"What now?" Klaus groans sleepily, turning over and pulling me against him beneath the covers.

"Caroline says there's an emergency that she needs me for," I say, putting my phone down after shooting back a text saying that I'll be there and adjusting my position so I'm pressed up against Klaus.

"It's barely been a day since you last saw your friends," Klaus says. His face is pressed against my neck and he takes the opportunity to kiss lazily down my skin. "They can't go twenty four hours without you?"

"Apparently not," I sigh.

Since the Miss Mystic Falls pageant on Saturday, Klaus and I have spent all of our time cooped up at his house, most of it in this very bed. The only people I've seen or talked to other than him are the girls that we've fed from, the occasional hybrid, and my mother when I sent her a text saying I wouldn't be home for a while. It's been nice to get away from it all and I'm tempted to stay here until something forces me to leave, but if I want to graduate then I really need to start going to school.

"I have to go," I tell Klaus, attempting to turn so that I can slide out of bed. Instead I find myself unable to move as the hybrid next to me pulls me closer to his side, his arm snaking around my waist.

"I want you to stay," he murmurs huskily in my ear. "I need you."

I sigh as I allow myself to settle back against him, every part of my body screaming that I want to stay too.

"I have to go to school," I attempt half heartedly, but my hands tell a different story. They reach out to run across his chest and up his neck to tangle in his hair, itching to touch any part of him.

"School is unimportant," Klaus groans, his eyes fluttering closed.

"Caroline needs me."

"She can wait," he whispers.

I move to argue with him but a moan escapes my mouth instead when Klaus brings his hand down and begins to rub circles over the fabric of my underwear.


"Shhhhh," he says quietly. "Shut your mouth and let me have my way with you."

I have no choice but to obey. Klaus flips so that he's over me while I'm on my back and any valid attempt to argue with him flies out the window when he brings his lips back to my skin. He kisses down my throat and across my exposed chest as his hand continues to move against me. My senses are completely overwhelmed by his touch and by the time he works his way down to kiss the soft skin above my underwear I'm panting heavily.

"Please-" I say heavily as he looks up at me. "Don't stop."

"Are you sure?" Klaus smirks. "You'll be late to meet your blonde friend."

"I don't care," I say quickly. "Klaus please, I'm begging you."

"Alright," he chuckles lightly. "Since you asked so nicely."

Klaus wastes no time in ripping off my underwear and bending down to bury his face between my thighs. I squirm with anticipation as he teasingly kisses the sides of my legs but he doesn't make me wait long before placing his tongue exactly where I need him to.

"Oh," I gasp, arching my back against the mattress and gripping the comforter as pleasure races up my spine. "Klaus-"

My hips buck up as he continues to lap against me but his strong hands come up to keep me in place. Pleasure begins to crash over me in bigger and bigger waves as Klaus works. Unable to move because of his grip, high pitched whines start to escape from my mouth and it's all I can do to hold myself together.

Clair de Lune - K.M.Where stories live. Discover now