c h a p t e r f o u r t e e n

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"So you have no idea where he went?"

"Mom, I've told you like a thousand times. I don't know."

"Why would he just take off without saying goodbye?"

"He left you a letter explaining as much as he could," I explain, rubbing the side of my head in frustration. "I'm not Tyler's babysitter, I'm not responsible for what he does."

"He's your brother!"

"So? He's your son!"

My mom slaps her hands on the kitchen table and lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Stella. All I'm asking for is a little help understanding."

"Tyler already told you everything, Mom. He had to leave and I don't know when he's coming back. He doesn't either-"

She stands suddenly and walks over to the fridge. She opens it and pours herself a glass of wine, taking a long drink and closing her eyes. It's her way of telling me that the conversation is over.

I was right last night when I told Tyler he might not want to come back because of how angry our mom would be. She's spent the last thirty minutes interrogating me like I'm the one who came up with the idea for him to leave. I don't know how much Tyler has told her about why he had to leave in the first place so I'm trying by best to just keep my mouth shut, naturally resulting in her being more mad at me than at him right now.

"Right," I say, irritation flaring up inside me. "I'm sorry I wasn't any help finding Tyler, the golden child. I'll make sure I'm the one that leaves next time so you don't have to worry so much."

"Stella-" she says but I'm already gone, standing up and beginning to head up to my room. As I reach the bottom of the stairs the doorbell rings and I pause. I open the door and realize that there's no one standing outside. Instead there's a box placed neatly in front of the door with a letter on top, the words Stella Lockwood written in fancy handwriting on the front.

"Who is it?" I hear my mom call from the kitchen.

"No one," I tell her, reaching down to grab the box and closing the door. "Just a package."

I bring the box upstairs to my room and after shutting the door behind me, place it gently on my bed. The letter on top is sealed with a wax stamp and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes as I open it and read it.

Please join the Mikaelson Family this evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails, and celebration

"What in the world?" I mutter, examining the invitation. Klaus' family is inviting me to a ball? What the hell? I consider not even going to the event but my mind is changed when I flip the initiation over. A note is scribbled on the back in small, old fashioned handwriting.

Pup, I can't wait to see you tonight wearing my gift. That means don't be stubborn and just wear it without complaint. You're going to look stunning, love. Oh, and get ready to dance.

"Unbelievable," I mutter, but I can't help the smile creeping onto my face. I set the note down on my bed next to the box. It's black and tied neatly with a golden ribbon, about the size of one of my pillows. I untie the bow and open the lid, shaking my head and grinning when I see what's inside.

It's the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen. The fabric is a dark mauve color and it flows effortlessly down as I left the dress from the box. The bodice is fitted and covered in individually sewn delicate flower petals that give it all sorts of dimension, and the sleeves hang loosely off shoulder.

Clair de Lune - K.M.Where stories live. Discover now