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I knock loudly on his front door, waiting for an answer. When I don't get one I knock again, loud enough that he should be able to hear me.


I groan in frustration, pulling out my phone to call the hybrid and tell him that I'm leaving. I don't know why I even came in the first place. When Damon told me that he had removed and taken Elijah's dagger before giving the hybrid his coffins back I was expecting all hell to break loose.

What I was not expecting, however, was for Klaus to call me early this morning and practically beg me to come over.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask him. "Why do you need me there?"

"I just- get over here before I track you down myself."

"Is Elijah going to rip my head head off?"

"No! Why would-" he pauses to sigh over the phone, his frustration threatening to boil over. "Just get over here."

So here I am, half an hour later, standing on his doorstep and wondering why I ever decided to do what he said in the first place. I'm about to put the phone up to my ear when I hear a ringing coming from inside the house. I pause to listen, the sound of splintering wood and shattering glass joining the sound of his phone.

I sigh and open the door slowly, not knowing what to expect.


I follow the sounds of what seems to be furniture getting demolished through the house, walking into the sitting room and finding that my guess was correct. Klaus is standing in the center of the room breathing heavily.

Not noticing me standing there, he picks up one of the chairs by the window and flings it angrily against the wall with a growl. Shards of wood shoot across the room as the chair splinters against the wall and I duck to avoid a large piece.

"Klaus, what the fuck?" I shout angrily at the hybrid. He pauses with his back to me, still breathing heavily. "You drag my ass out of bed and make me come all the way over here, the least you could do is try to not take my head off-"

My words are cut off as he rushes towards me, his hand wrapping around my throat as he slams me against the wall.

"Your friends did this," he growls.

"Klaus," I say calmly, trying to remove his hand from my neck without much success. He's not gripping me hard enough to cause any pain, too wrapped up in his own thoughts to actually want to hurt me. "Let me go."

"It wasn't supposed to happen like this," he says. His voice comes off as angry but underneath the surface I can tell that he's frantic. Damon's plan has thrown him off and he doesn't know how to react. "This isn't how- I would've-"

He groans in frustration and releases me, beginning to pace around the room.

"I didn't know," I tell him as I step forward, rubbing my neck. "When Damon told me-"

"Why are you even here?" he asks harshly. I'm stunned into silence for a few seconds, unsure what he's talking about.


"You should go home," he says. When I don't move he begins to walk menacingly towards me. "What are you doing. I. Said. Leave."

"Are you kidding me?" I say. Klaus stops in his tracks as I step forward, and for a second I swear I see a flash of fear in his eyes. "Let me get this straight. You drag me out of bed at the ass crack of dawn and beg me to come over. Then you almost take my head off with a chair, scream at me, and then make me leave? Fuck no."

Clair de Lune - K.M.Where stories live. Discover now