c h a p t e r f o r t y t w o

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Elena's cries still echo around the large tomb as I stand next to Klaus and Stefan by the entrance, a sinking dread in my stomach. Klaus' arms are around me to keep me steady but they don't do anything to help the panic rising in my chest.

I can't be in here any more.

I push away from him and head out into the caves away from the horrible scene, leaving Elena and Jeremy's body behind. Klaus follows me and places his hand along my back as I bend over and try to regulate my uneven, panicked breathing.

"Deep breaths, pup. It's alright."

But it's not alright.

I'm no stranger to death. I've seen it plenty of times, often at my own hands. This shouldn't be bothering me as much as it is but I can't seem to get the image of Jeremy's lifeless eyes out of my head. I watched him grow up. I was there on his first day of kindergarten and now he's not even going to graduate. He doesn't get to grow old.

I just watched Elena just lose the last part of her family.

Eventually more footsteps sound from around the corner. Damon joins us and Stefan steps out to meet him, quickly explaining the situation to his brother. Damon's eyes go wide before his expression shift to one of rage.

"How the hell did this happen?"

"It was Katherine," I tell him, taking a deep breath to get myself under control and allowing Klaus to help me stand straight up. "She attacked Elena and got here first."

"She must have been following us the whole time," Stefan says.

"What about the cure? Or Silas?"

"If there was anything in there, it's all gone."

Damon clenches his jaw and takes a deep breath as he tries to maintain his composure.

"Where the fuck is Bonnie?"

"We have no idea. She went looking for Jeremy last night and never came back. Damon," Stefan says, his voice grave as he addresses his brother. "Elena is in there waiting for the Gilbert ring to bring Jeremy back to life."

"Okay, fine, I'll wait with her."

"Damon," I say in a pleading voice because he's not listening. The vampire pauses, looking over at me. "He was one of the five. A hunter."

"He's supernatural," Damon says slowly and Stefan and I exchange a look, both of us knowing he's finally realizing the horrible truth that we already know. A pained expression that I've never seen before passes over the older brothers face before he forces it into a neutral expression, locking his determined eyes on Stefan. "She won't survive this. I'll find Bonnie, you get Elena off this island."

"I'll stay to help," I tell him, stepping forward, but Klaus grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Absolutely not."

"It's not up to you," I say, unsuccessfully trying to pull away from him.

"Yes it is. Silas is not in that tomb and if he's lose on this island, you will not be. Do you understand me?"

"Fuck you. You don't get to tell me what to do," I say back to him but Klaus doesn't budge. His grip remains firm around my wrist and the expression on his face tells me that he's not messing around. I can go willingly or I can fight to stay, but either way he is getting me home.

"This is not something I'm willing to compromise on, young pup."

"Stella, you can do more to help if you're with Elena," Stefan says. "She's going to need you."

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