c h a p t e r f o r t y f o u r

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"Answer the phone asshole," I say under my breath as I hold my phone against my ear.

This is now my third attempt this morning to get ahold of Damon. After last night when Stefan told me his theory about Silas being in town, he also mentioned that Damon took off with Elena without telling anyone. This means that instead of him helping his brother out, Klaus and I are forced to spend our day with my least favorite Salvatore.

Damon finally ends up answering after about the fifth time I call him.

"What do you want, she-wolf?"

"I want to know why you just decided to skip town with Elena and leave me here to deal with your brother and our potential Silas problem. Although, I'm not sure which I'm more pissed about."

"Why do you have such a problem with Stefan?" Damon laughs.

"He irritates me."

'"Everyone irritates you."

"A fact that is proving true even right now. Where are you two going?"

"We're in New York."

"Now why would you take an emotionless vampire to a city where she can murder as many people as she wants?"

"Because it's fun."

"Ha ha," I respond humorlessly. "The real reason?"

Damon doesn't answer for a moment. I hear muffled conversation on the end of the line followed by footsteps and a door closing. When the vampire puts the phone back to his ear to speak again, his voice is low.

"Remember that vampire who worked with Katherine and tried to kill that werewolf girl your brother used to like?"

"Yeah," I respond. "Isn't he dead?"

"Ripped his heart out myself. But before I did, I recognized him. He used to help Katherine with all of her running. Fake names, ID's, whatever she needed. And I remembered that he used to live right here in the city."

"You're chasing a lead," I realize out loud. "To Katherine and the cure."


"If Elena finds out what you're up to, you're dead."

"I think I can outsmart a vampire who only cares about eating people and having fun while doing so."

"You sure?"

"Fuck off," Damon says and I grin.

"Seriously though, be careful. And keep me updated."

"Yeah, I will. Let me know if you guys run into any trouble with Silas."

"You going to rush home and save our asses?"

"I feel like that's all I do anymore."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I say and Damon chuckles on the other end of the line.

"Talk to you later, Lockwood."


I hang up the phone and let out a loud sigh as I flop back against the pillows of Klaus' bed. The hybrid groans and rolls over so that he's facing me, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me close to him and tucking his head into the curve of my neck.

"Is it really that horrible that you have to deal with Stefan without Damon around?" Klaus asks in a tired voice, his eyes still closed. Neither of us got much sleep last night after hearing the news about Silas, me because I'm anxious and Klaus because he can't rest when he knows that I'm having a rough time.

Clair de Lune - K.M.Where stories live. Discover now