Part 16

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Why did u hate yourself ?
Simple because I didn't
Think I was beautiful
Whenever beauty was rewarded,
She didn't look like me
Beauty was not me
And I attached self worth
With my looks
My appearance
And for that matter, I thought
I was ugly
Because I didn't see anybody
That looked like me,
Getting applauded for how she looked
Til this day, I have to hide
The irritation on my face
When my sister talks about people
With gaps
And I don't say that because I have one
But because, gaps in your teeth
Don't make you ugly
But because the world
Made us believe that
Tells me a lot about you
And what you think of me
I had to learn to love myself
And the way, my natural mug
Sat on my face
And the way, my hips
Curved outwards to the world
Or how the kinky curls
In my head made every hairstyle
Because if I didn't love myself,
I wouldn't have the right perception
Of love I know I deserve
And I would have the wrong outlook
On life and it's people
I would be a walking body
Of not just just self hate
But hate for humanity
Because why couldn't you
Accept me as I am ?
Or make me feel beautiful
In the way that I look ?
Shame on you, shame on you

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