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Growing up as a sensitive child, I needed an outlet to just be free and flush out all the emotion I had. I was called sensitive plenty of times in my life and always took it as a negative thing but as I got older and listening to other people, I learned being sensitive wasn't bad at all. It just meant that you have boundaries and when those boundaries are crossed, there's an issue that needs to be resolved. Now, that I am older, I can definitely say, I'm not the same as I was. I'm more outspoken and clear about how I feel and that gets taken negatively by the people around me. And I get why. I can be very aggressive and blunt when I say the things I'm thinking and not thinking about how it can make the next person feel. But I feel like, since I've been mute a lot of my younger life, the older me wasn't going for it anymore. And I applaud myself for that. For growing a backbone and taking my voice back.
That's why poetry means so much to me because it was an outlet for me when I didn't have a voice. And now that I do, I want to sing from the mountain tops (lol). Poetry is another language of emotion, feelings, expression and freedom. You can tie any emotion you want to, to it and that's just it. Poetry is an art. A lifestyle. And I chose to stay in it. 😌

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