Part 27

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•Depression Is•

depression is....
wanting to drown but wiping up the tears that make your river
depression is
having on a smile but your eyes calling for help and attention
depression is
a burden u carry around but still manage to take on your days
depression is ....
constant deep sighs but never getting enough air
sorry to bother u but i need to talk
actually never mind
i'll keep it all in like i have been doing
being in this battle for so long, i don't even know how to talk about my own problems
i just know how to hear and listen to others
help them but still leave mine unanswered
but if u ask me, they'll run out my mouth like a faucet that's overfilled
depression is
a cry for help but nobody noticing
depression is
a village of ppl
but us all too captivated in our own pain
to see we're connected
there's more of us than u think
depression is
to other ppl
a stigma
but not when u actually have it
u just want a shoulder to cry on and
somebody to hear u out
it's important when somebody u know but really don't has it
but when it's in your own household
it's forbidden
i am depression and i am knocking on your door
your daughters door to be exact
Inspired by a poem from "The Youth Speaks"

*I feel like I'm diving back into this dark pit of depression, when I haven't felt like this in a long while. I'm taking it very harsh bc I have to relearn how to deal with it all over again. So my mood swings are 10x worse. I feel overwhelmed bc I'm now 18 and have stuff to do when in reality, I don't feel like it. I don't feel like doing anything right now. It's hard.

Morgan's POV Where stories live. Discover now