Feild trip

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Peter walked to his locker and started to place his books in when Ned came bouncing up
"Hey we have a surprise field trip! Come on the bus is waiting!!!" He cried and I kicked myself for forgetting, we ran to the playground and jumped on the bus just in time.

(Time skip!!!! Sponsored by bobble say hi)

The bus stopped and everyone gasped before looking at Peter evilly, he frowned before looking out the window to see the Avengers tower oh no my family are sooo gonna embarrass me! No-one believed Peter actually had an internship there not even the teachers "aww you scared @&)? Parker (I do not like this name so I am symboling it out)
Peter rolled his eyes and just jumped out the bus with his friends, all the students were gawking at the huge building but MJ, Ned and Peter were kinda bored, Peter lived there and MJ and Ned went there every Wednesday. They entered the building and an intern ran over whom Peter recognised as Gale.
"Hi everyone I will be your tour guide! Oh hi Peter!" She gushed and he waved at her
"How much did you pay her £&£ Parker?" Flash yelled but Peter just let Gale continue
"Welcome to the Avengers tower! You will be given a pass that will let you through and here are the colours and their meanings
Orange- visitors level 1
Green - interns level 2
Yellow- scientists level 3
Blue - lawyers and politicians level 4
White - friends of the Avengers or level 10s - level 9
Red - family of the avengers or the avengers level 10 " She explained and handed them out missing the three people at the back (Peter and his friends)
Everyone walked through with their orange passes
Until Ned and MJ
"Ned Leeds level 9 hello again!" Came Friday's voice
"Hi Friday!" Ned called out ignoring the looks of shock
"M to the J! Level 9 What's uppp" said Friday said her voice going more chill
"Hey Fri to Day!" MJ barked
"Peter level 10! Hi Pete how was your day? Shall I tell the others you are here?" Asked Friday and Peter chuckled
"Hi Fri! I'm ok thanks and no please don't notify the others" he said before joining the others
"How'd you hack in?" Flash snarled but Peter ignored him
"You know flash. You insulting others just shows your lack of intelligence and incapability to form a sentence that makes sense and doesn't involve an insult" MJ said and left the fuming boy.
They went through the labs and Peter was just bored but when they came to Bruce's lab he smiled to see his uncle
"Hey class nice to see you! Hey Peter!" Banner smiled and Peter laughed at his classes shocked faces
"Hey Brucie!" He smiled and gave him a wave.

(Time skippp bobble says hi )

They walked into the elevator and Gale grinned
"And now you get to have lunch at the actual avenger's penthouse and then tour the rooms that have been accepted!" She squealed and Peter sighed as he felt his stomach rumble. He forgot his lunch.
They walked in the kitchen where beanbags were set down for them to sit on as well as the island.
Peter walked to the fridge lazily and searched the contents before his eyes set on his left over pizza.
"Mr Parker you can't go rummaging through the Avengers's fridge!!" Mr crams half screeched and Peter turned around
"Uhhh but this is my pizza!" He answered pulling a face taking a bite and the teacher narrowed his eyes
"Detention!" He ordered before throwing away the pizza
"Hey!" Peter shouted before rolling his eyes and sitting on a chair sulking.

After lunch they were lead to the training room where Natasha and Bucky were sparing, the class looked fascinated whereas Peter was on his phone
"Hey kids! This is our training room where we train for our missions or if we want to beat a dummy up" Natasha said stopping the fight whilst Bucky stood looking uncomfortable, Peter noticed this and sighed feeling sorry for him, Bucky was never comfortable around people.
"привет, дядя Баки! ты знаешь, держу пари, ты мог бы побить маму (hey uncle Bucky! I bet you could have beaten mum)" he said and the class looked at him confused but Bucky just laughed
"Привет! малыш паучок! (Hey! baby spider!)" Nat scoffed and Peter laughed but his mum just motioned to the mat
"Ok kid let's see How good you are! Take me and then Bucky" she Announced and the class 'oooohhh'Ed thinking he would be down in a second.
Peter removed his jacket and shoes, he then got into an attack position and Nat came in the mat
"ты можешь отступить" ( you can back out now)she said and he grinned
"нет, потому что ты собираешься принести мне клубничные шнурки! ( nope because you're gonna get me strawberry laces!)" He grinned before she charged.

After downing both Nat and Bucky the class was in awe
"They just went easy on him!" Flash tried to justify when they left and the class believed him
"Ok now it's time for a Q&A with the avengers!!!" Gale announced happily and they followed her to a large hall that had chairs facing the mighty heroes. The class went complete fangirl for about ten minutes before the questions began.

"Are you all close?"
"Yes we are one big dysfunctional family" tony chuckled standing by pepper. It continued like this until they had to chose flash
"Oh hell!" Peter muttered
"Mr stark can you be an intern in high school?" He asked smugly
"No I'm afraid not you have to be in college I'm afraid" he smiled and the class looked triumphant
"See mr Parker I told you that these pathetic ' I'm an intern!' Lies had to stop and here you are just been proved wrong! A week of detention!" Mr crams laughed and the avengers scowled
"Ha! £&@&£ Parker was exposed! You're so dumb and you won't ever get a job cus you are pathetic!" Flash yelled and the avengers stiffened, Loki simply smirked at their playground insults.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO OUR SON?!" Nat and tony yelled and the class looked at them confused
" Son?!" Flash squeaked.
The avengers were about to kill him.

Sam and Steve were holding back Bucky who was pinned to the floor and had a knife out his eyes full of malice, Nat was also pinned to the ground by Clint and Wanda who were really wanting to let her loose, and tony was held back by pepper, Bruce had gone hulk mode and was held back by the two Asgardians.
"Yes son! Nat and tony adopted him!" Steve explained coldly and the class stared at Peter in awe who just walked to his dad
"Dad I need you to calm down" he said slowly
"I think you should be worried about your mother and uncles who are pinned on the floor" he muttered, Peter sighed before moving to his mother
"Мама паук, успокойся ( mama spider calm down)" she growled in response, Peter then moved to Bucky
"он тебя ударил? ( has he hit you?)" his uncle asked and Peter nodded solemnly
"сколько? ( how long?)" and Peter sighed
"Since the start" he muttered and Bucky struggled more and so Rhody had to help followed by vision.
"You Eugene are never going to get a job and won't get into college. And if you even touch my son I will get the Avengers and we will hunt you down!" Tony yelled and flash whimpered.

That night they had a movie marathon.

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