Cast out retry. Alternative ending. Request

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Guyssssssss don't be mad. 😬 But I am adding a request chapter. So if you have a request I'll make it for you.

This one was requested by @Really_Alexa    so thank youuuuuuu hope you like it <3 
It's an alternative ending for the second cast out, where Peter doesn't forgive them. It'll be the same up until tony comes.
Again I'm sorry. Please forgive meeeeeeee
Love guyyyuysssssss 😊
*hides in a box*

3 months later

The avengers all sat down at the breakfast table and the atmosphere felt odd, everything was quite and sad
"Where's Peter?" Natasha asked as she was on her computer, the heroes looked around while Alfie just chuckled
"Who cares?" He said placing his plate in the sink. The avengers looked at him shocked
"FRIDAY give us footage from the day you saw Peter leave" tony ordered, Natasha's laptop lit up with camera footage but it looked like a slide show sort of thing.
"Fri what is this?" Tony asked but they just watched the screen, it showed them punching Peter till he was in the corner huddled up. It showed Peter's restless nights and times he had no food
"FRIDAY I want the footage of him leaving" Tony said but there was no anger in his voice just guilt, the scene changed until it showed the night he left
"W-we're horrible people! We're supposed to be heroes!" Steve cried and Alfie snorted he was about to say something but heaps of shield agents came barrelling in with guns in hand...all pointed at Alfie
"Woah what's going on?" Tony asked and agent coulsen strode in (cus coulsen is a boss!)
"He's under arrest because he's an. Undercover. Hydra. Agent!" He said smugly, coulsen had known what the avengers did to Peter whom he was close with.
"WHAT?!" They all cried and Alfie laughed
"I'd say sorry but...I'm not" he said before he was hauled away leaving the avengers sitting there in shock
"We need to find Peter" Nat said and they all looked up determined.

Two years later Peter is now 17 cus I said so

Peter was training with Steven and America, Steven was teaching them magic for protection against villains when Bucky ran in
"Is it time yet?!?!?" He shouted and Steven told his to shut up
"What's going on?" Asked Peter slowly and cautiously, Steven sighed and brought the kids to the sofa and then he and Bucky sat on the coffee table in front of them
"We have something for you both" they said and handed of them each a box, Peter's was Spider-Man themed and America's had stars all over it.
They both opened their unusually large cards to find documents.
" um these are papers forrrr

And thank you!! I've decided to end this one early because it wasn't really going anywhere .....

Lmao!! XD I'm kidding! I'm just cruel 😈😈😈

".....YOU WANT TO ADOPT US!!!" They shouted and the two adults laughed
"Yeah if that's ok with you?" Bucky asked nervously. Peter grinned along with His best friend.
"Yess! Ever since May died I've needed family and that was you guys!!! Thank what am I? Peter Barnes or Peter strange??" He asked

"Peter Benjamin Parker strange Barnes" Steve said his face happy and slightly relieved
"I-you-...thank you so much!! Ever since I found out that my parents were dead you have been like my family! I would love to be your daughter! America strange Barnes" she said grinning and they all hugged tightly
"Ok now open the box!" Bucky whined like a child on Christmas.

The kids grinned and pulled out hoodies that said
'My parents are avengers, deal with it!'
They chuckled but were interrupted by someone opening the door and running up to them, Peter looked up and his blood ran cold

As he saw his old mentor running toward them, tony froze when he saw Peter
"PETER!!" He screamed and hugged the boy who was still frozen
"What do you want?" Peter demanded as the other avengers walked in sighing relief when they saw the boy
"We are so so so so sorry!" Nat cried and Peter looked at his dads who looked mad at the heroes
"You have no right to be in our home" Bucky growled and they looked at him shocked
"Our??" Steeb (😊😊) asked confused but Bucky just held Steven's hand
"Yes mine and my husband's" he said warningly Peter was still uncomfortable and was relieved when America pulled him into a hug and he smiled as she played with his curls
"Who's that?" Clint asked and America glared at him
"Now officially...America strange Barnes" she hissed and steeb once again looked at his best friends in shock, Peter gained some courage
"And I'm Peter Benjamin Parker strange Barnes" he said and tony looked at him down cast
"I-I'm happy that you're happy....Alfie was a hydra agent, we're so sorry" he cried,

Here's the new part
Does that grab your attention? Good. Cool.

Peter felt his arm move before he could stop it, he looking up to see him punch tony stark! He was shocked, hell everyone was shocked but he felt no guilt. He hated these people. The people who hurt him.
"Y-you hurt me. And you enjoyed it! You punched and kicked and slapped and starved me! I was terrified of the people who the world calls heroes. I felt so pathetic. I thought I was being silly but it got too much. And Steven- my dads. They took care of me, they're true heroes! Not you scum bags! Who'd have thought that the worlds "mightiest heroes" would abuse an innocent teenager, a teenager who has been through so much! A hero! And yeah I am a hero. And no Alfie can change that, and the fact you were too dumb witted (A/N that a phrase?) to realise that he was a hydra agent then how the hell do you have a job?! How the hell did Clint and Natasha get anywhere with being an assassin?! I was the one who told Colsen about Alfie, he said he'd look into it and he found he was a hydra agent. BUT YOU WERE TOO DUMB TO SEE THAT! HEROES? MORE LIKE FAKES! So why don't you go and put on one of your shows!" He screamed at them, tears forming a waterfall down his face the avengers stepped forward to do or say something but America got up along with Steven (idk how many ways you can spell it. I'm pretty sure it's with a ph tho)
"Get the hell out" they said menacingly. The cape then grabbed them by their collars and dragged them out onto the street.

They never saw Peter again except when he helped on a mission. But he ignored them and tripped them up. Or "accidentally" shot them with his newly equipped gun.

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