Movie night

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Peter POV

I walked into stark tower and smiled at the nice receptionist sally, who I always got a coffee before I went to work, she was my first friend here.
"Hey Pete!" She grinned and I walked up to her holding the package behind my back
"Hey sally.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🥳" i cried and she frowned
"How'd you do that?" She asked and I frowned
"What?" I am most definitely confused
"You just said an emoji but -I -ho- whatever!" She said exasperated "anyway thank you"
I grinned and pulled the things I had behind my back and placed it on the counter and her eyes lit up as she saw a small package then a big one and a white paper square with her name written on.
"Oh Peter!" She squealed as she opened the card smiling before moving onto the presents; she pulled at the cat wrapping paper and smiled when she saw a mug that said ' the best receptionist and also feisty so stay away from my coffee!' And she chuckled, then she moved onto the smaller one and gasped as she saw it was wrapped in a ticket
"A ticket to Hawaii!!" She cried and I laughed
"Look at the box" I tell her and she rolls her eyes but her eyes got teary as she pulled a small necklace that said sally and had a small shell on the bottom of the 'y'
"Oh Pete!!" She cried and ran over to hug me which I happily returned wincing slightly as she hit one of my wounds from last night's patrol
"Anyway I have to go sally! Have a great day" I say and she lets me walk away but not before a selfie.

I step into the fancy elevator and grinned as FRIDAY spoke "morning Peter!!" She exclaimed and I waved at the camera
"Hi FRIDAY" I say before stepping of the elevator as it landed on my floor
"Good luck with the 'meeting'!" She called after me
"Thanks!!" I yell even though the meeting was just a cover up for something i love, i entered the kitchen where the meeting was being held after Thor and hulk turned the conference room into a spa for themselves

I walked in and was met by Natasha (mama spider or mum for me) and uncle Clint arguing about the vents, my dad was arguing with my step mum (pepper) about how he adopted me without her permission and how she didn't want a kid which I gotta say.....hurt, strange with his now adopted kid America and they were sitting on the sofa sipping their coffees looking at them all amused.
"OK SHUT UP THE LOT OF YOU!!" Kate cried when Natasha threw a knife at Clint who yelped and hid int he vent he was currently hanging out of, everyone stopped and that was when I decided to make my presence known.
"I leave twenty minutes and you're in shambles!" I chuckle and they all grumbled "no don't grumble! Now it's movie night!!!" Everyone cheers (see it's a meeting!) and run to their rooms to change into their pyjamas and I went to mine changing into my Spider-Man pyjamas which were only worn on movie nights.

I ran down the corridor but I collided into to something making me fall on my back
"Ow" I say a a dull pain went through my back, I look up to see a man with long black hair and mischievous green eyes, he was in a sort of robe which was green and gold and on his head was a golden crown with large horns protruding from it.
"I-I'm sorry mr Loki sir!" I stutter, I'm talking to the fricking god of mischief!!! I stood up and he looked at me quizzically
"What are you doing running the halls? Young Midgardian?" He asked his eyebrow raised
"I-uh it's movie night! I thought you knew, even though you aren't here often" I say confused on why he was not invited, his eyes saddened slightly but he quickly covered it up with a sly smile
"I haven't watched a movie so I'm not really missing out" he explains and I look at him shocked no movies?! How does he live? " why....are you not scared of me?" He asked and I frowned, I know most people are but I kind of admire him.
"Because I am a huge fan! I mean I know you killed loads of people but I admire how intricate plans were and how you have redeemed yourself!" I explain and he looks at me like I just grew a spider head, I quickly check. I'm good. He looks at me confused
"Oh I was just checking I hadn't grown a spider head, I can't but I just want to be sure" I explain and he almost smiled, then he looked at my pyjamas and I blushed this is embarrassing!!
"Um. These are my movie pyjamas...we're watching infinity war and endgame, far from home and then no way home. They made movies about us except these last four are made up" i gushed excitedly
He turned to go but I stopped him as an idea popped into my head "hey you wanna watch with us?" I ask and he freezes and looks at me wide eyed

Loki POV

This young midguardian likes me?! I'm a so confused and I'm about 100% sure it's a trick but he then asked me to watch a movie! I was most definitely not hurt when i wasn't invited to watch something called a movie! But I couldn't pass up the kids offer his face was just too excited...*cough* i mean I want to crash it anyway.
"You gotta wear pyjamas!!" He cried a big smile on his face
"🙄no!" I say adding in an emoji and he gasped
"😱 you can do it! It's weird because I can do it too!!" He cried and I laughed to myself as he started saying emoji after emoji, I changed into the same robe but it was the material of a dressing's super comfy!

"Ok come on then mr Loki" he grinned and pulled me along by the arm into a large room with a big rectangle at the front with loads of chairs facing it. We got a lot of odd looks when we came in but the boy just led me to tony who looked at me warily( we have a Rocky relationship) the kid sat by tony and I sat by the kid who was bouncing up and down on his chair chanting "movie night, movie night!" This movie started and I was super confused on how it worked luckily the mortal explained it and I was fascinated. I was slightly ticked off at the fact I die so easy "wouldn't be that fast, plus I'd fake it!" I muttered and the boys patted my arm and I felt oddly reassured. By the end of the movie stark was crying and holding his kid close when he faded away Or when 'Johnathan greys' faded away
"How come they know you're a teen?" I asked and he chuckled
"I told them in an interview I said " I love being Spider-Man but it's hard seen as I'm a 15 year old who has homework" and I left them stunned at the fact that a 15 year old had one)saved their lives and two)been in so much danger and pain." He explains before comforting his dad. There was a shout from Clint when Natasha jumped off the cliff and he clung on to her
"NO JUMPING OFF A CLIFF!!" He yelled as he stroked her head protectively. Everyone gasped when tony died and Peter clutched on to him
"NO CLICKING YOUR FINGERS!!!!" Peter screamed and him and Clint shared a determined look saying they shared the same motives and I couldn't help laugh.
"Peter don't give any of my tech to a random dude" tony smirked him as far from home finished.
"Damn I've gotta make a call" he said and tony looked panicked "I'm kidding!!" And tony calmed down after hitting him on the head lightly.

After the movie night was over i scurried away so I could avoid the people, I don't like people they're are far too confusing yet predictable. Like you say one thing and they get mad and it confuses me because what have I said? And then the next I can predict them. They all need comforting and that's the hardest part, I just sit there as they cry and I don't know what to say!

"Mr Loki sir?!" Came a voice and I span around smiling slightly at the boy
"Yes Pete?" I ask nervous what he'll say
"Did you like the movies?" He asked tentatively and I nodded my head, his eyes shined as he hooked his arm through mine and led me mindlessly around the tower "I'm sorry about the whole you dying bit...I know you would have faked your death and come back miraculously!"he said and I grinned triumphantly
"Thanks...though if I had died Thor wouldn't act like that..." I muttered, in that movie it seemed like he loved me but in truth he hates me because of my wrong doings...I'm just lucky I was aloud to stay here even if my room is basically a cell with furniture. Peter looked sad and did something weird, he wrapped his arms around a hug?
"What er... what you doing?" I ask him and he looks at me sadly
"I'm giving you a hug because I know you need one" he muttered and I slowly hugged him back
"I've never been hugged before" I utter and he hugs me tighter.

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