Cast out pt 2

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Avenger's tower

The avengers all sat at the table. The kitchen seemed to reflect their moods, blank.
then on the tv a new story on Spider Man came up.
"He's a menace!" A man screamed, his lampshade moustache wiggling with anger. Tony curled his fists
"No. He's. Not." He growled out before looking up in surprise, why had he said that? Why did he feel so much anger towards that man on the screen?
"He should be Arrested!!!!" He screamed again, this time it was Natasha
"Try and I'll break your neck" she growled, she too looked up in shock.
"Wanda what's going on?" Steve questioned but Wanda had spaced out, suddenly her eyes snapped back into reality but they seemed more panicked.
"Help peter! It—-STOP, you're u-under a SHUT YOUR MOUTH Under a spell!!" She cried, but other words shouted through her as if she had two people in her trying to talk. Wanda then slumped on the table, her face narrowly missing her plate. Her hair was not so lucky.

"We're under a spell....well there's only one other person who knows about magic" Hawkeye muttered, the team all looked at each other nervously. And headed down to the prisons.

They reached cell 1653 and grimaced as Loki gave them a grin.
"The great Heroes of the Avengers! What, a pleasure" he grinned spreading his arms out in welcome.
"The pleasure isn't ours" Tony growled, Loki pouted but sat crossed legged on the floor nonetheless.
"What is it you need? That is why you are here isn't it? To get something" The god asked his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"We were put under a spell. Break it" Natasha demanded, getting straight to the point. Loki shook his head
"Tut tut tut! I want something In return" he smiled evilly, Tony crossed his arms
"What?!" The billionaire snapped.
"I know I can't ask for freedom, nor can I ask for company or entertainment. So please, give me some pleasure. Thor I want you to go a week without pop tarts, And I want proof" the god chuckled, Thor looked as if he were to fight but the others accepted.
"Don't forget! I. Want. Proof!"
"Still hung up on that stupid monopoly game" Thor muttered as the allowed Loki to use a limited amount of power.
The room went dark and green swirls circled their heads making them mesmerised.
Then the spell broke.
They repeated until the name came back to them and so did the floods of memories.
"What have we done?!" Steve cried, Tony looked as pale as the walls.
"I don't know. But we're finding my kid"

Two years later

They still hadn't found him and so they decided to travel to wakanda for help, something they should have done a long time ago. They boarded the new jet after theirs was stolen, the ride was silent and they practically ran it it he palace
"T'challa! We need your help!" Tony cried as he ran into the throne room where T'challa sat sipping a coke on his throne. The Prince looked up at them and immediately fixed his posture.
"Why?" He asks curtly, he had heard what had happened and was not happy with the heroes
"Peter and Bucky left two years ago and we need to find them," at that moment a 12 year old girl in wakandan style clothes with white tattoos on her face behind her was Peter who also had markings on his face, his face was more tanned from being in the sun and he looked about 17
"Peter!" Tony yelled and ran forwards for a hug but Peter didn't hug back
"Why are you here?" He asked stiffly as Bucky walked in and stood by him
"We didn't mean any of that Loki put us under a spell!" Steve cried and Bucky growled as he recalled the memory
"Dad calm down" Peter told him and the avengers gasped
"Dad?!" Tony yelled his face full of hurt
"Yep when you left I was homeless and in an alley....I found Nebbie here and took her in. Then Bucky found us, we came here and he adopted us." Peter explained as T'challa hugged Nebula who had to be contained as she was very....violent.
"Look...we have a home here but...we'll visit you soon." Peter said and looks at his dad with a 'agree or else look'  Bucky sighed and Steve walked up to him
"You adopted two kids! Are you crazy?" He said and Bucky clenched his fists but Nebula walked up and pulled the captain away and swiped his legs pinning him to the floor
"Don't talk to him like that or I'll hurt you!" She snarled and kicked him where it hurt, Natasha grinned
"I like her! I like her a lot" she cackled and showed nebula her weapons.
"Peter I am so sorry" Tony said walking to him
"It's ok mr stark...I forgive you" he said and gave his mentor a hug.

Just a short one :)

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