Cast out re-try pt1

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Haunted house by McKenna grace
Im doing another cast out story (but that's obvious by the title) any who... I'm writing another one because my last one wasn't amazing and I'm switching this up a bit tho! I have and interesting ship as well.......
Enjoy 😉 😊

I'm totally asleep....

Peter swung from building to building until he reached the avengers compound, Peter used to love it here! But as soon as Alfie came waltzing in showing off his powers, Peter was cast out! The only time he was acknowledgedis when they want to use him as a punching bag or target.
He spent most of his time in his small room which he's had made a lab seen as his other lab/ room was changed into Alfie's room because ' Alfie deserves a big room!'. So Peter slept in a tiny room on a web hammock which dissolved every 2 hours so you can see how it's a pain in both senses.

He swung in through his window and hit the opposite wall (told you it's a very small room) he slid down with a moan of pain and collapsed on the floor. He pulled himself up and changed out of his suit and into a black hoodie and black jeans, he wore more black lately as it reflected his mood.
He had lost his girlfriend to Brad and his best friend to some other Star Wars fan, he had no one left after aunt may was murdered.

He sat for hours modifying his suit not realising the time. After a few hours his stomach growled so he got up and headed to the kitchen where he saw Sam washing up the dishes, he headed over after realising they had forgotten to tell him it was dinner. He grabbed some cold pizza and Sam didn't even notice him which made Peter roll his eyes, he headed to his room but was stopped by the sound of laughter.
Peter walked slowly to the open door of the cinema room where the avengers all sat comfortably on chairs, all except Clint who was hanging from the vents. They all wore pyjamas and were laughing at a joke Alfie made.
"That was funny underoos!!" Tony chuckled and Peter felt like he had just been slapped in the face
"Yeah you have some wit" Nat grinned and Alfie looked to her
"Thanks мама паук!" He said and Peter died inside, only Nat would let him call her that.

Peter ran to his room and cried until there were no more tears. Cried until the waterfall became a stream once again. Cried until his eyes screamed at him in despair and pain.
"They don't want me..." he whispered and he slowly looked up at his wall which was just concrete and realisation hit him and his face softened as he came to grips with it
"Nobody wants me" he said with clarity, he grabbed his backpack and shoved in clothes, a toothbrush and paste, deodorant, a comb, water, granola bars, a phone charger and money.
He changed into his suit and tied his backpack on tight before swinging out the window and into the concrete jungle that is New York.

Peter wandered for hours in his normal clothes, as a normal citizen. No one noticed him because he was invisible, unwanted, unseen. The sky got dark and with no sign of Tony looking for him he lost hope. After buying a sandwich from Subway he sat on a park bench and set up for the night, he tried to sleep but he was so cold! After a few hours he took up walking around again until he bumped into two people
"I'm sorry" he muttered and picked up his sandwich dusting of the dirt
"Hey! Peter right?" Asked a voice and Peter looked up to see the winter soldier and doctor strange wrapped up in hats and scarfs to protect them from the winter air looking at him as they held hands.
"Oh I'm-... hi!" Peter stuttered and turned to leave but was stopped.
"Why aren't you at the compound?" Bucky asked curiously
"Oh you know....I ran away.....well gotta go!" He said before turning and running but a portal of sparks sent him right next to them again
"YOU WHAT?!" They yelled and sat him down on a bench giving the spiderling a stern look
"Ok! They have completely replaced me....I'm invisible to them now! Unless they what to use me as a punching bag, there's this guy called Alfie and they love him....Mr stark h-he called him Underoos! That's my name! And Nat let him call her мама паук I was the only one who could do that!....they forget to feed me and I have no one else. And I have a tiny room, my only bed is a web hammock that dissolves every 2 hours!!" Peter explained and the two lovers looked appalled before looking at each other.
"Ok you're living with us!" Bucky said although he was worried They're as socially awkward as some wattpaders!!!
"Oh no that's ok! I don't want to be a bother" Peter cried but before he knew it he was in the sanctum
"Welcome home kid!" Doctor strange said unenthusiastically earning an elbow to the stomach from his husband.

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