I'm back pt 2

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The avengers landed the jet not to far away from the warehouse where they had tracked him
"Why is he at a warehouse?" Nat asked as they walked in the new rain in their civilian clothes which were hoodies, caps and sunglasses.
"Maybe he made a base?" Said Steve taking off his sunglasses as the sky grew dark and the others nodded and they walked in silence until they reached the big, rusted, steel door they slid it open and looked at the scene in-front of them which was broken boxes, dead rats, a few crates and a lack of a ceiling. They frowned and looked to a pile of crates where a sad song was being sang in the corner which had a figure lying down and a guitar in his hands and they pulled out their weapons all except Bucky.

Peter heard that tony was alive and at first he was ecstatic and he was ready to run to him but then he remembered had happened.
He won't want me...it my fault!He'll probably forget me like everyone else! He thought as the rain poured down on him soaking him and chilling him to the bone. He started to sing a sad song he had wrote himself about his loss and betrayal. He loved singing as playing his guitar, it was the only good thing in his life.
He finished the song but heard the door open but felt no threat
"Buck that you?" He yelled out. No response. He looked up and saw all the avengers looking at him and there in the centre was tony
Probably here to take my suit again or something
He groaned loudly and fell back onto the crates.

That was not what Tony was expecting, he expected the kid to jump into his arms and cry like he wanted to but all he did was groan
"Peter it's me! Tony" he said confused and the avengers huddled around him but Bucky just climbed on the crate and sat by the kid, Peter looked at me and bit his lip
"So what are a bunch of destructive people doing in my house?" He asked and Tony frowned
"Home? What about your apartment!!" He cried and Peter laughed bitterly sending shivers down their spines, they didn't think the small peppy boy would be so...bitter
"Aunt may was murdered. Died in my arms like my uncle" he explained and Tony's heart dropped
"That why you're so miserable!" Tony sighed but he just laughed again and sat up
"No I'm miserable because my parents are dead and so are my other relatives two of which I had to witness! My best friend and girlfriend moved away and the avengers abandoned me! I'm homeless and have nothing! I had destroy Karen and all I have is Bucky ( who cared enough to check in on me!)and my motorcycle!" He cried no tears came down but his eyes were angry and the avengers looked to their feet and Bucky held him close
"So you're not happy to see me" Tony said his voice full of hurt
"Yes! It's just...I blame my self and you have to blame me because some how it's my fault and you probably want to take away my suit again because I'm a failure!" He cried yet he still didn't cry.
"Peter I don't blame you!! I love you Underoos!
Kid you're like my son! No you are my son!" Tony said tears in eyes and Peter smiled he genuinely smiled and he hugged his dad. His dad!!!
"So Bucky you visit him?" Steve said and Bucky nodded sitting up
"Yeah I knew the kid was close to stark so I tracked him down and found him starving in this warehouse!" He explained and Steve looked guilty at the word 'starving' and Bucky held his hand.
"Kid come home" tony begged and Peter sighed but agreed.

Peter was obviously different he didn't talk as much and he wasn't into Star Wars, he worked hard and could make a joke. He still sulked and he hadn't quite forgiven the avengers but he was somewhat the Peter and he even had a new best and girlfriend. He was finally getting better and that made tony happy.
He got his son back.

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