Remember me

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Mad at Disney by salem ilsese

And I'm gonna give you another one today!

Blood//water by grandson

little bit of angst coming

Ps I edited the pic above from its original

Tony had been cooped up in the compound's basement for a year! After en- the event that will not be mentioned for people with PTSD from said (movie!) event he died....but HE LIVED! (Please get the reference)
He wanted to see Peter and tell him he's alive! And not in fact dead.

He stood up and knocked on nat's door, turns out they could reverse it and they went back in time to get her, which made cap re think his decision on staying in the 40s.
(So nobody dies. You're welcome)

"Nat! Are We going soon" Tony whined jumping up and down
"Yes come on!" she said from behind him? He shrieked jumping five ft in the air
"Don't sneak up on me!!!!!" He cried holding a scarred hand over his heart, Nat chuckled as the rest of the avengers came down the concrete stairs
"Ok are we going to see the kid?" Asked Steve leaning on the railing for the stairs
"Yes! I still can't believe you don't remember him" tony huffed as he headed to his computer
"Oh! Seems like him and his aunt moved apartments" he muttered and grabbed the keys to the van
"Let's go!" He cried and they headed to their big van.

Peter's POV ( and because we have to be specific's Tom Holland Peter)

I was sulking in his apartment, my quiet apartment. No aunt May. No MJ. No Ned. No Tony. It broke me it really did, i became depressed and started to have suicidal thoughts.
I blamed himself. I should have been able to save tony. If i had just gotten the stones far enough away then Thanos wouldn't have got them.
Money is low, my job was bad mainly because o worked at a failing deli shop and my landlord was always demanding money. The funny part was that is what Peter Parker had said his life was like. It was the Peter with the back pains. God I miss them. My brothers. I'm working on a machine that means I can visit them when I wish!!!

There was a knock at my door and I rolled my eyes I bet it's the landlord. I pulled myself out of my chair and slumped over to the door, and pulled it open. And there were the avengers and tony! My heart sparked with happiness but then that faded.
"Beck....I don't now how you're alive but these illusions have got to stop" I growled and fake tony frowned "wow you really went into detail! I would almost think they're real"
I walked back to my chair and felt them follow me
"For gods sake beck! I didn't fall for it! Tony is dead and so is Nat! And thanks for making me feel even worse about myself" I muttered but fake Tony didn't leave me alone
"Peter it's me!" Fake Tony said confused but i just rolled my eyes. There was another knock on the door and there stood we go! Pretend you don't know him.
"Hello can I help you?" I asked politely and he walked in
"Sorry sir I'm with them" he said authority in his voice
"That's quite alright ......" I said waiting for him to tell me his name, even though I know it
"Happy" he answered and I nodded
"Hi I'm Peter" I responded, he must be fooled by the illusions. Oh well.
"What on earth?! You guys know each other!!" Nat cried and happy frowned "you all know him!" But the avengers frowned and I chuckled bitterly
"Leave me alone beck! Please" I pleaded, I couldn't take it. I couldn't look at 'him'
"Who's this beck? Underoos it's me" tony cried and I cracked. Tears ran down my face and I curled up into a ball
"Leave me alone! I know you're not him! I've had enough of these illusions!! It's your fault all this happened! Oh who am I kidding I'm the one who messed up the spell" I cried ignoring their looks of concern
"Peter what happened while I was gone?" Fake Tony asked
"Fine I'll entertain you! So as you know.
You pretend that you were a hero when in fact you were just a fired employee of stark's. You used holograms to make big villains which I had to fight whilst in Europe with my class. Me and MJ finally got together after she found out I was spider man. Then I found out the truth you put me through terrifying illusions and then made a video to make it look like I'm the bad guy and revealed my identity to the world.....everyone hated me and I got bricks through my windows and I got a lot of hate.
So I went to dr strange to get him to reverse it. But I messed the spell up and opened the multiverse, where two more me's came and so did their enemies. I tried to help them but that only ended up with *sob* aunt May dying.
After helping them all. I had to make everyone forget me. Peter Parker. I lost my girlfriend and best friend because I was stupid.
There you go!" I explained and the fake Tony looked shell shocked
"I've always remembered you kid. I just..... felt responsible for your suffering" Steven said coming forward, I smiled at him and tackled him in a hug
"I know you hate hugs but I'm gonna do it any way" I muttered and he relaxed a bit as he sat in the chair whilst everyone sat in the sofa or floor.
"Kid I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. I should have been there! But I died....but they brought me back kid!" He said. I want to believe him but I don't know....
I look to Steven and he nods his head indicating that he's real. My heart went fuzzy and I bear hugged Tony who laughed tears running down his face
"I love you kid and I'm not leaving you." He said but before I could respond there was a cough, I looked up to see me in front of a portal
"PETER! PETER!" I exclaimed and we group hugged
"You figured it out!" Peter exclaimed (Andrew)
"I figured it out!" I exclaimed. I'm so happy to see them
"Mr wizard man!" Peter cried (Toby) as he turned to Steven who nodded
"Peter, Peter" he greeted as I turned to the others
"Oh yeah! Everyone this is Peter Parker! The other me from a universe. And this is Peter Parker!" I explained
"So you're the avengers that Peter mentioned!" Peter said grinning (Andrew)
"You don't have us in your universes?" Tony asked
" Nope! Just us. We are the only hero that we know of" Peter explained (Toby)
"Hey how's your MJ?" I asked Peter (Toby) it still hurts him have if and MJ but at least me and Peter (Andrew) have something in common
"Complicated" he said wistfully and me and Peter chuckled (Andrew)
"Still!?" We cried.

And that was how. Iron man was back and I lived in the compound . I finally met Morgan! She's super cute and calls me her brother. Nebula, me and Harley were adopted by Tony and i am now re building my relationship with happy.
I still don't have MJ or Ned but I know they're happy.
Peter and Peter will visit every weekend and Steven lives at the compound too! Along with America who I may or not have a crush on........I think she likes me too! I won't ever forget MJ but I have to move on. And me and Yelena are best friends and she lives at the compound where she met Kate. They totally like each other!

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