Venom Pt 2

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Summer is a curse by FAIM

I had shut the kid out. It was so hard because I love him so much but if I'm around him he'll get hurt. He called me today but I didn't pick up, I was in the compound with all the other avengers and they notice I'm not the same but I'm a lot better now and that's good.

I walked into see everyone having breakfast and I grabbed some pancakes
"Tony you know that old symbiote (sp?) theory?" Bruce asked looking at his iPad
"Yeah" I answer pouring on the syrup...Peter loves syrup.
"Well turns out Peter/ Spider-Man found a place where they were testing it and he busted them" he said and my head shot up at the mention of Peter
"Is he ok?" I asked worried and Bruce smiled
"Yeah he called the police" Bruce informed but then Thor just had turn on the tv
"There was a murder at [insert a place cus I'm still lazy]" came the reporter's voice and my heart skipped a beat
"That's Peter's address!" I cried and we all ran to the tv
"3 weeks ago May Parker was found in her apartments dead from a stab wound and her nephew has gone missing"
Oh my god
"That's why he called me!" I cried and pepper pulled me into a hug "I need to find him!"

Me and the small one were sleeping peacefully when a bulky dude put a gun to our stomach, like who does that? But he looks yummy but Peter won't let me which is so unfair! Anyway Peter was being snarky and didn't expect the dude to shoot him! So I took over and ate them all as the cinnamon roll was unconscious, I grab his small mask and talk to it and it answered!!! It's so cool and funny!
"Where should I take the small one?" I ask it
"You should take him to the avengers compound" she said and showed me where to go! This is so cool I want one. It's cool like brains because they taste nice if a little slimy and crun- oh we're here!
I sit down outside the window and return back to the back of Peter's mind so he's laying on the floor, a man with a goatee came running out and gasped when he saw us and grabbed Peter and me. Then when he put us in a white room and placed a mask over our mouth and it all went black.

I ran out into the corridor to get my suit when I saw Peter bleeding out on the floor
"Peter!" I cried and grabbed him, I took him to the med bay and placed him under anesthesia as Bruce healed him but we took out some sort of liquid out of him which controlled itself! We identified it as the symibote (sp?) and we started to study it whilst we all waited in the med bat for him to wake up.
He started to stir and he then he shot up looking around frantically, I ran to him a huge smile on my face "you're ok!!" I cried and he looked at me annoyed which I understand
"Where is he?" He asked and I frowned
"Venom!" He shouted exasperated, Nat placed a hand on his shoulder immediately calming him but the he looked at his restraints and he growled
"Who's venom kid?" Bucky asked but Peter just scanned the area and his eyes widened when he saw Bruce electrocuting the alien symbiote
"DON'T HURT HIM!"  He screamed before breaking the restraints and grabbing it, he smashed it on the floor and the liquid dissolved into him
"You idiot! It could kill you!!!" I yelled but he just smiled and sat back on the bed
I wouldn't hurt him....unless he ticks me off and then I'll probably head butt him
Said Pete his voice weird and then a black head came out of his back attached to black stringy things and it's eyes were like it was a fire but white.
"Oh my god!" Clint screeched and pulled out his bow
"Guys this is venom, venom the avengers" Peter said to the head
"No!" Peter scolded...did that thing just ask if it could eat us?! "You got any chocolate? He's hungry"
Steve pulled out a fredo and handed it to Peter who just fed him! It's weird...
"The symbiote infected me but it wont kill me and is a friend" he explained as the head retracted
"Kid I'm so sorry..." I muttered before he hugged me super tight
"It's ok you just owe me Star Wars"

It was going to be different from now on. As you can see Tony not only has to deal with Morgan, Peter, nebula and Harley he has to deal with venom.

And that worst them all together.

That took longer than it's not the best work I've done

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